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Q: How many people pay income taxes in California?
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What is the difference between income taxes and state taxes?

Income taxes are taxes paid based on the amount of your wages and other forms of income, including but not limited to investment income, pensions, interest and dividend income, business income, rental income, etc. Income taxes are assessed by and paid to the federal government and, depending on where you live, also state and local governments. State taxes can come in many forms, including not only income taxes, but also property taxes, sales taxes, use taxes, excise taxes, business taxes, etc.

How much refund do you get for three children in California on your taxes?

Depends on many things...especially how much was paid in and other deduction income considerations.....thats why a reutrn needs to be filed.

How much does an average American pay in taxes a year?

The United States has a progressive tax system so the more your income, the higher your income taxes will be. U.S. Citizens are also subject to many, many different kinds of taxes. Some of these taxes include State and Local Income Taxes, State and Local Sales Taxes, State and Local Property Taxes on homes, land, and other property, State and Local Motor Vehicle Taxes, Federal, State and Local Gasoline Taxes, etc. There is also a host of embedded taxes that the people of the United States pay such as taxes that are imposed on business and corporations that are passed on to the consumer, taxes imposed on utilities, telephone, railroad, transportation, etc.

How much does small businesses pay yearly in taxes?

There is no possible correct answer to this. Many taxes are paid based on income..."taxable income" specifically which varies from book income in many ways...and income is obvioulsly different for every company and every year. The expenses and how and when they are incurred in running the company are also a factor, as is which line of business and location it is in for determining which taxes are even applicable.

Can unemployed mom get tax refund?

Unless you paid federal and state taxes you cannot get a refund. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can file taxes simply to get the earned income credit. They are wrong. It is called the earned income credit because they earned an income. So unless you worked at some point over the prior year you cannot get the earned income credit. And unless you paid taxes in then you have nothing to file or claim.

Related questions

How many people paid income taxes in 2006?

Not as many as should have.

What country that has no income taxes?

Many countries have people exempt from income taxes in some situations. But countries that collect no personal income taxes what so ever are Andorra, Monaco,and The United Arab Emirates.

How do you legally avoid California income taxes by moving to Nevada?

If the income is earned in the State of California you are not going to avoid the taxes. As a matter of fact you will probably increase the amount of State Income Tax because you would then have to file a Non-Residence Return, which in many states is at higher rates that a Resident Taxes.

What is the difference between income taxes and state taxes?

Income taxes are taxes paid based on the amount of your wages and other forms of income, including but not limited to investment income, pensions, interest and dividend income, business income, rental income, etc. Income taxes are assessed by and paid to the federal government and, depending on where you live, also state and local governments. State taxes can come in many forms, including not only income taxes, but also property taxes, sales taxes, use taxes, excise taxes, business taxes, etc.

Citizens of the US pay income taxes on all money they earn?

Is not a true statement. Many people have income and pay noi tax, many types of income are not taxable, etc.

What taxes do consumers pay a higher tax rate on when their income increases?

Progressive ______________ Income taxes will have a higher rate. Many other taxes, or more correctly tax benefits, may be limited or eliminated.

Is paying income tax a forced process or voluntary?

Income tax is not a voluntary process in any way. Paying tax levied by the government is definitely compulsory. Many people have been jailed for not paying income taxes and this would not have been possible if it was voluntary. There have also been many court cases that have resolved anyone who has tried this type of approach to income taxes.

How can you receive help with your individual income taxes?

Their are many places that can offer help with income taxes. Some of the most popular income tax preparation places are Liberty Tax and H&R Block. Also, their are many tax accountants that can offer help in preparing your taxes.

How many US Citizen's do not pay income taxes?


Do other countries also institute an individual income tax law as the US does?

Income taxes are used in many other countries across the world. These income taxes can vary in price, be reegressive, and or proportinate to the citizan's income.

How much refund do you get for three children in California on your taxes?

Depends on many things...especially how much was paid in and other deduction income considerations.....thats why a reutrn needs to be filed.

What taxation strategy is when the amount of taxes is not determined by your income?

There are many taxes that are not determined by your income:sales taxes, property taxes, tariffs, excise taxes, capitation or "head" taxes, etc.