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there are millions of different species of plants, bugs, and animals in a rain forest. the answer still has not been clarified by scientists, and it depends on the rain forest, but my guess is that the average rain forest has about 100,000 different types of plants, but there is the amazon rain forest that has over 300,000 differet types of bugs, and scientists are still discovering new ones! so obviously that is a very rough answer. you are probably better off researching the known ones than trying to find out how many there are if you're doing a report, but if you just want to know for no reason at all then i guess you going to have to wait

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About 130.000 different kinds.

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Q: How many plants grow in the tropical rain forest?
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What does tropical forest mean?

A tropical forest with many amazing and beautiful plants, creatures, and has many tropical things. Muddy and moist floors when you walk. They even have some rare creatures or plants inside.

What does forest mean?

A tropical forest with many amazing and beautiful plants, creatures, and has many tropical things. Muddy and moist floors when you walk. They even have some rare creatures or plants inside.

What are the plants in a tropical rainforest?

There are many plants in a tropical rainforest. Their are fruit plants. Examples: banana, grape fruits, mangoes etc.

Tropical rain forest?

The tropical rain forest is found in the tropical regions.

Why do herbivores live in tropical rain forest?

Because there are many plants in the rainforest.

What kind of vegetation is seen in tropical evergreen forest?

Well, let's consider this logically... "TROPICAL" - plants that need intense humidity to surive. "EVERGREEN" - plants that do not seasonally lose their foliage. "FOREST" - trees.

What kinds of plants live in tropical rain forest?

Many species of plants and animals live there, and they are still discovering more. There are too many to name all

Why are there more plants species in the tropical forest than in the temperate forest?

Many animals live in the forest.Some animals would be Snakes,Owls,Birds,Squirrels,Snails,Worms,Rats,Spiders, and Hares/Rabbits

How does the under canopy layer adapt in the rain forest?

For the few plants that exist in the rainforest, they have to spread out and have big, broad leaves to capture the small amount of sunlight that actually reaches the forest floor. In general, there aren't many plants that grow on the forest floor of the tropical rainforest because of the lack on sunlight and due to the fact that most trees and other vegetation grow tall creating a thick canopy. The only time plants and small vegetation might grow on the forest floor is when a taller tree falls down creating a hole in the forest canopy. Sunlight is then able to reach the forest floor and some plants can establish themselves and start growing.

What plants are found in tropical deserts?

Cactus are a very common plant that is found in tropical deserts. Many types of wildflowers and the Joshua Tree grow in tropical deserts.

How the environmental concern effect the tropical rain forest?

A tropical rain forest wouldn't be anything with out water it, rains there almost everyday. that is why there are so many exotic animals and plants and creatures living there that wouldn't be found anywhere else.

What adaptations of rain forest plants make them likely sources of medicine?

the leaves of forest trees have adapted to cope with exceptionally high rainfall. Many tropical rainforest leaves have a drip tip. Scientists are sent in pursuit of collecting tropical plants. They screen these plants with modern techniques to develop new compounds.