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Answer Creation Ministries International have a list of over 200 PhD scientists from a wide variety of fields who support creationism. There probably are a few more than this who do not wish to be named due to discrimination. The list assumes that a scientist with a PhD in any field (e.g. theoretical chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, psychology) is a "qualified" scientist (about 1/5th of the list are people in biological sciences, biochemistry, biophysics or geology), which should be considered when regarding the answer. There are also other creationist organizations with other lists that may include some names not on this list. So, the answer isn't completely known and depends on your definition of qualified.

To put the number in perspective, there are a few hundred thousand PhD scientists in the world, and a list of scientists (mostly biologists) only with the first name Steve who agree with evolution (kept by NCSE) currently numbers 887 (28 May 2008).

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A study in Britain, undertaken by R. Elisabeth Cornwell and Michael Stirrat, involved sending a questionnaire to all 1,074 Fellows of the Royal Society who possessed an email address, offering several propositions and asking the scientists to rank their beliefs on that point from 1 to 7. About 23 percent responded and preliminary results indicate that, of these, 3.3 percent agreed strongly (chose 7) and 78.8 percent disagreed strongly (chose 1) that a personal god exists. A total of 12 Fellows chose 6 or 7 to indicate that they were believers.

If the respondents to the survey are more or less representative of all Fellows of the Royal Society, then around 52 of the Fellows contacted believe in a personal god. Of course, we can not say how many, if any, scientists who believe in God also believe in creation. What we can say is that not more than 12 respondents to this survey believe in creation. And on these figures, something less than 52 of the 1,074 Fellows of the Royal Society who possessed an email address believe in creation.

Nevertheless, creationists seek to present their views as genuine science. For a perspective on this, please visit:

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No Answer 2 No. Creationism is faith, based on the Creation-story of Genesis and praises the biblical god as creator of all the Universe, all Earth and all life (in 6 days). Evolution is a theory of science (biology). The Theory of Evolution by Means of Natural Selection, first proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace. Evolution is part of natural science and explains the histories and diversifications of all of Earth's organisms. Evolution does not have to do with the origin of the Universe or the Planet Earth, which creationism may mention in its origins-explanations. (The origins of the Universe and the Solar System and Earth are explained by another branch of natural science - Cosmology and Astronomy). The Theory of Evolution states that life has changed since its beginnings (abiogenesis) by Natural Selection. The main unit of Evolution is the gene. Populations genetically diverge until they are so separate they are distinguishable and may become reproductively isolated. This is an instance of speciation, the origin of species. Evolution relies upon observation of the world to explain the world (genetics, palaeontology, comparative morphology are all used as evidence to construct the picture of evolution). Creationism relies on the writings of biblical texts to explain the world. There is no material evidence to support the claims of creationism as creationism is faith based. Indeed there are many contrasts between Evolution and Creationism. They both explain the same thing (life and how it came to be as it is today), but Evolution is logical and fact-collecting, a real process seen in the world today and (via fossils) in the distant past whereas Creationism is a comforting faith-based story with no backing evidence of events described in the creation story of Genesis.

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Prior to reading the answers below, it is perhaps important to note that there is no 'creation theory'. There are various religious creation myths, but no comprehensive and robust scientific model that has any explanatory or predictive power.Answer: Quite a few scientists support creation theory. This places them out of step with the mainstream scientists who believe in autobiogenesis, or a spontaneous origin of life, coupled with evolution. As Richard Dawkins put it "It is a monumental disagreement. One side or the other has got to be wrong, and not just slightly wrong but catastrophically, ignominiously, disastrously wrong."Prior to the 20th Century, most scientists believed in Creation.Today, there are numerous organizations of scientists who support creation theory: Answers in Genesis ; Creation Research, Science Education Foundation; Institute for Creation Research; The Creation SuperLibrary and others. Some publish peer-reviewed journals, such as the Creation Research Society's CRS Journal and the Journal of Creation by Creation Ministries International (The Australian arm of Answers in Genesis).Answer While it is true that many "scientists" disagree with evolution in favor of creationism, that number drops significantly when you consider only those who study nature or life, and is almost non-existent when you consider only those with expertise in fields like biology, paleontology, geology or astronomy - the above list may seem impressive, but it is out of well over a hundred thousand PhD scientists alive today. Now it's also important to note that many scientists believe in some sort of god or creator, but are not creationists. Creationism generally refers to strict 6-day creation fundamentalism or the movement to teach that there is a god in science classes in public schools. About 60% of scientists believe in a personal god, many believe this god created life indirectly, which can be considered a different sort of creationism. Meanwhile about 99.85% of earth and life scientists (those same scientists who mostly believe in a personal god) accept evolution as well.Answer Yes, quite a few actually. Many scientists and researchers have come to support the creation theory because as they study 'Creation -vs- Evolution' they have found that there are more 'holes' in the evolution theory than there are in 'Creation'.Both Creationism and Evolution start with presuppositions. Evolution starts with the presupposition that God, if He exists, played no part in the development of species, but that they developed by macro-evolution or chance mutations that resulted in benefit to the organisms; Creationism presumes that He created all species, and that there are minor adaptions which occur naturally, called micro-evolution.

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ALOT. it is impossible to find out. you should know that every science teacher is a qualified scientist. and dont forget about the actual scientists who spend there time working on major science issues in the world.

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