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Hinduism has 10 main rules, they are split into things you should do (Niyama) and things you shouldn't (yama).


1. Do not destroy or injure anything

2. Do not steal

3. Do not be envious

4. Do not lie

5. Do not overeat, over-drink or over indulge in sex


6. Keep yourself clean, inside and out

7. Be contented

8. Practice self discipline, tolerance, patience and mental calmness

9. Educate yourself

10. Try to surrender your mind to the higher power

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Essentially, Buddhism has five rules or precepts. These include: To undertake the training to avoid taking the life of beings, to undertake the training to avoid taking things not given, to undertake the training to avoid sensual misconduct, to undertake the training to refrain from false speech, and to undertake the training to abstain from substances which cause intoxication and heedlessness.

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None. The Eightfold Path is for guidance only. Following the guidelines will allow you to lead a more skillful life, decrease your suffering and potentially help you direct yourself to enlightenment - but nobody will force you to follow them. The concept of rules which are enforced (if they aren't enforced, they aren't "rules") is foreign to Buddhism as the concept requires an overseeing deity - which Buddhism lacks.

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Q: Are there rules in Buddhism
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Yes. There are 220 basic rules in the Patimokkha. There are another eight hundred or so lesser rules in the Vinaya.Having said that, many monks do not follow all of the rules.

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there is no correct locations of Buddhism Buddha does not set rules he just has a guideline to becoming happier so you do not have to live in a correct or specific place

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There are no actual rules or laws in Buddhism because Buddha stated that no one should believe anything that comes to them unless it makes sense with them and their moral values. However, Buddhism does have Four Noble Truths and The Eight Fold Path which state how to reach enlightenment and many buddhists practice generosity, humility, humanity, honesty, respect, benevolence, responsibility, and many other humane values.

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It's hard to determine what the "Rules of Buddhism" are. The Four Noble Truths are an observation - Life is suffering. Suffering is caused by desire. Desire can be controlled to end suffering. This is done by following the Eightfold Path - but this is an observation not a rule. The Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines that one should follow to gain enlightenment, but they are not rules. Nobody is forced to follow them, nobody checks up on your progress or conformity. So Buddhism basically doesn't have rules. You do what you want, and you pay for your choices. The suggestions are there to help but the choice and the enforcement is all yours.

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Buddhism puts the control of your life in your own hands - no external force rules it.

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In Buddhism the role of "messiah" is not present. This is mainly due to the non-theistic nature of Buddhism(enlightenment comes from within a person, not from the intervention of a deity)

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Jainism spread in India whereas Buddhism spread in other countries because Jain monks aren't allowed to travel overseas.

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Buddhism is structured into several different schools of thought. For instance, there is Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, zen Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism, and Pure land Buddhism.

Why Ricky martin choose Buddhism is a he religion?

it is one and only correct & real way of the life. there have no rules. jest think with the mind. go to the temple and see, feel, look, think & understand what about the Buddhism. its more & more naturally clean religion. thanks

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