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This is a matter of policy for each employer or negotiation between employer and employee or union, so that there is no generally applicable answer.

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Q: How many sick days a year is a 20 year employee entitled to?
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Are you as hourly paid entitled to a day's extra pay for the leap year?

Nope ... you as an hourly employee are only entitled to receive pay for those days actually worked, unless they are paid holidays, paid sick leave or paid vacations.

How many sick days do you have in the navy?

You have as many sick days, as you are sick. Of course, as in all branches of the military, you will have what are called Sick Bay Commandos. There are no sick days unless you are sick. What the military does, is not a game. Sorry, final answer no sick days

How many sick leave days are legal in the USA?

There are no legal requirements for sick leave days in the United States. Some companies who are required by the FMLA Act have to allow their employees unpaid sick leave. Under the FMLA employees are entitled up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under certain circumstances.

What is employee misconduct?

Some of the employee misconducts are calling in sick when not really sick and stealing from work.

How many sick days does a chef get?

11 days

How do you calculate average sick time used per employee for a given year?

Calculate the total sick hours (or days) used in the year and divide it by the number of employees. The employee number may be tricky as I am sure with turnover it is never constant.

What types of time off are considered employee benefits?

Most benefit plans also include a certain number of paid sick days, personal days, and/or vacation days.

Are you entitled to pay if sent home sick from work?

What are my rights to 5 days statutory sick pay from my employer. I work full time 40 hour week over 4 days. I was recently sick for two weeks and was told that I had to put ion 3 waiting days and got an average payment for the one da.

Are you entitled to sick pay after having given notice that you are leaving the company.?

Sick Pay is usually given by the employer in advance. Over the course of the fiscal year, the employee "earns" the time back ... If you have used more sick time than what you have accumulated, you will owe the company the equivalent $$, which can be deducted from your final paycheck. If there is an unused amount of earned sick time accumulated, the employee is usually paid for that, although not a par value - usually 50% in most large corporations.

Can moldy weed get you sick?

you can, but you might get sick for many days or you'll get an infection

Must an employer provide sick days for an employee?

No. There is no law requiring they they provide you with paid sick or personal days. They must, however allow you to go on maternity leave without giving your job away, for up to 6 weeks, but they do not have to pay you for that time.

How can quality be measured?

* Company performance * Employee happiness (hard to measure, but could be measured by number of sick days, lateness or staff turnover)