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A large number of sperm come out when you ejaculate. The exact number varies widely, but is typically in the millions. The World Health Organisation defines a minimum "normal" ejaculation as at least 2 ml and containing at least 40 million sperm. It is not unusual for some ejaculations to contain 5 ml or more, with 150-250 million sperm. Many factors enter into a man's sperm count, the most significant factor being simply individual differences in sperm production rate. Sperm count is also affected by the frequency of ejaculation; the count is highest if the man has not had a recent ejaculation, and significantly lower with more frequent and more recent activity. Sperm count is also affected by the temperature of the testicles, the overall physical condition and nutrition of the man, and the presence of certain diseases.

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Q: How many sperm come out when you ejaculate?
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What is the probability of getting pregnant if sperm come out?

Depends on how far along the woman is in her monthly cycle of menstruation and ovulation. Women are most fertile two days before through two days after they ovulate, which occurs approximately 14 days after their last menstrual cycle. However, sperm has been said to survive up to 72 hours after coitus (sex). Even if a man does not ejaculate (i.e. "pulls out"), sperm is still released during sex, in the form of pre-ejaculate (which occurs during coitus and is virtually undetectable by either partner). Therefore, you CAN get a girl pregnant even if you pull out, and there is a good week or more that she can easily get pregnant out of each month--and that week is actually harder to pin down than just counting calendars.

How many times does pre-ejaculate occur during intercourse?

It should be a more or less steady flow until climax. Amounts vary with the guy.

What is the average amount of semen production?

In a one ejaculation there could be anywhere in between 40-600 million sperm. Averaging half a teaspoon. Assuming you are asking about human semen, production ends at death, so the amount of semen production for any one man could be quite large. An average ejaculation is said to produce about 2 ml of semen. Semen is a combination of sperm and fluids produced in the prostate and urinary tract to move the sperm into the vagina. Sperm production can decrease with age due to lessening of testosterone, and the amount of fluids can also deteriorate with age. The prostate starts having problems. I really have no idea how someone came up with the "average" volume of ejaculate. The idea of "sampling" a sufficiently large number of men ejaculating for scientific purposes boggles my mind.

What are two characteristics of semen that enhance the probability of fertilization?

The first is the concentration of sperm cells in semen - the higher the concentration better the possibility of conception. The second is the percentage of normal sperm cells - the lesser the number of abnormal sperm cells, the better the possibility of conception.

How much semen does an average 12 year old male ejaculate?

At that age you will not have any unless you have started puberty early. Everyone is different.

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If your 11cane your sperm come out at that age?

It is possible to ejaculate at 11, however usually occurs when you are 12+

What should you do if sperm doesn't come out?

If you cannot ejaculate, seeing a medical doctor is highly advised.

What is ejaculate made out of?


Does pre-ejaculate causes pregnancy?

Yes, pre-ejaculate can result in pregnancy. Pre-ejaculate itself doesn't contain sperm, but if the man ejaculates and doesn't urinate sperm can remain in the urethra and thus be carried along by the pre-ejaculate. Although the number of sperm that could be in pre-ejaculate are only small compared to how many are in ejaculate, there is still a risk of pregnancy.

If you pee after you ejaculate does all of the sperm come out?

no... they are like 2 tubes run seperatly. One running pee and the other running sperm and semen.

How many times does man loose sperm during aweek?

You do not 'loose' sperm. If you do not ejaculate, voluntarily or otherwise, it is reabsorbed by the body.

How do you create a fertaliztng sperm?


Are ejacuation and sperm the same thing?

The fluid (semen) that you ejaculate contains sperm.

Is pre-ejaculate sperm weaker than regular sperm?

No it is the same strength.

What is the name of the fluid produced by the male which sperm swim in?

Semen is the term for the mixture of fluid and sperm

Does a man release sperm if sterilized?

A man that has had a vasectomy does not release sperm, however, he does ejaculate.