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swallowed a spider and feel some slight pain inside

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It is usually around 14 per lifetime.

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Q: How many spiders does the average person swallow while sleeping in a lifetime?
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Do you swallow 8 spiders when your sleeping?

the number is on average, it can change depending on where you live, what you are doing, etc. the most common way you swallow seven spiders a year is that when you are sleeping, they just simply crawl into your mouth :) gross..

Do you eat bugs when you are sleeping?

about 7

How many bugs does the average person swallow in a lifetime?

Humans eat about twelve bugs on average while sleeping. There is no way of calculating how many bugs we consume in our food.

How many spiders do people eat when asleep?

This is an urban myth. In order for a sleeping person to swallow a live spider there would involve many highly unlikely circumstances. There are no formal scientific or medical records of anyone ever swallowing a spider while sleeping.

How many spiders do humans swallow a year when you are asleep?

A common urban legend passed around via email is that that average person will swallow 8 spiders while sleeping during their lifetime.This is true. It isa "statistic" made up for the sole purpose of being passed around on the internet to gross people out. Although it is disgusting many need spiders to survive.See the related links section for the Snopes article about it.

In your lifetime how many insects do you swallow while sleeping?

Ah, that old chestnut! Most people will be somewhat relieved to know that the horror stories about how the average human swallows a varying number of spiders every year whilst sleeping (the number given varies from teller to teller) seems to be an urban legend fuelled by many people's fear of spiders and insects. Although it probably does happen occasionally, it's certainly not as common as some people fear and the vast majority of people probably go through life without swallowing any insects or spiders during sleep.

Do people swallow spiders while sleeping?

so people say dont believe in it tho!!! only if your unlucky ha ha ha

Do humans eat spiders in their sleep?

You would hope not but apparently its about an average of 8 spiders per week *Average of none you mean. You can't swallow a spider without waking up, and if you were to swallow a spider while sleeping your mouth would have to be open (and facing straight up) very wide, and the spider would have to climb down its silk line perfectly into the back of your throat without touching your lips or tongue. The second it reaches your throat you would have to take a swallow and let it go down.. All in all, it just doesn't happen.

How many insects does a human consume while sleeping?

Humans don't consume anything while sleeping.

How many things do you accidentally swallow in your life?

It is difficult to quantify the exact number of objects a person might accidentally swallow in their lifetime. Accidental swallowing can happen, but it is important to be mindful of what is being ingested to prevent potential harm.

Why must spiders liquefy their food to swallow it?

because spiders do not have jaws for chewing.

How many bugs do you eat in a lifetime?

The FDA allows an average of 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams of chocolate. ENJOY!