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Q: How many steps are there to go to the top of the statue of liberty?
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How many steps are there to the top of statue of liberty?

There are 357 steps in the Statue of Liberty to reach the crown.

How many flights is 354 stairs?

There are 354 steps to get to the top of the Statue of Liberty. That is equal to almost 15 flights of stairs.

How many floors is statue of liberty?

answer:364 stairs. answer: There are 154 stairs in the Statue of Liberty from the base of the pedestal up to the crown. (See attached link from Statue of Liberty website.)

Where do you take the Statue of Liberty on time tangled island?

The Statue of Liberty model (found at the top of Mount Everest in 1953 AD) goes to the sculptor, Bartholdi, at the Statue of Liberty in 1882 AD.

How tall is the statue of liberty including the pedestal?

The Statue of Liberty is 305 feet tall from the base of the pedestal to the top of the torch. Lady Liberty, herself, is 111 feet 6 inches from the top of her head to her heel.

What color is the torch on the statue of liberty?

all green even the top to bottom of the whole statue

How tall is the Statue of Liberty without the base?

The statue from foot to top of head is 111'1" tall.

Is the statue of liberty located on the top of a skyscraper building?


Where are the observation windows in the statue of liberty?

At the top of it's head

Where is the note book on the statue of liberty in poptropica?

on the left top.

What does it feel like to be on top of the statue of liberty?

like your flying!

How many dogs will need to stand on each other to reach the top of the statue of liberty?

it depends what kind of dogs