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That may depend on how active or stressed you are, but at rest, the normal heartbeat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

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Q: How many times does the heartbeat per minute?
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70 beats per minute but during and after handling a lizards heartbeat can rise to about 110. :0

What is normal heartbeat?

You can find the average yourself by holding two fingers on the veins on your hand for one minute and see how many times your heart beats. Do this 5 more times then add all your data together and divide by how many times you counted your heartbeat which should be 6. You will then get the average for you. Do the same thing to your friends to get better data.

What is the avrage heartbeat per minute?

60-100 beats per minute. :)

How will i know if there's a problem with the heartbeat?

Fit and health heart will beat 100 times per minute.

How many times does a heart beat in a minute?

80-100 for an adult's heartbeat and 60-100 for a child's heartbeat per minute each60-100 bpm is average

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A healthy Adult horse's heartbeat should have a resting pulse of 36-40 beats beat per minute.

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20000 times per minute

How many heart beats per minute does a 16 year old have?

the normal heartbeat is 70 t0 80 beats/minute.

How many times does the average heart beat per minute?

45 times per minute.0

How many times does a woodpecker wings beats per minute?

80 times per minute