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the queen bee flies on her mating flight for 2-3 days during which time the males chase her and mate with her. estimates are that she mates with 10-25 males during that time. afterwards she goes into the hive and never mates again. the sperm lasts her for 2-3 years and when she runs out the worker bees kill her.

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A queen bee will only mate once in her life, though it will be with several males, even as many as fifteen.

Somewhere between three days and a week after she emerges from the pupal cell the virgin queen will leave the hive on a mating flight. The pheromones she emits will attract drones (males) from the area. As she mates she will store the semen in a special pouch called a spermatheca.

This store will be used for the rest of her egg laying life (from two to five years) as she releases a small number of sperm with each egg.

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What does a flower do when it is pollinated?

The worker bee has many roles. It can be a nurse bee or a house bee, taking care of jobs in the hive. It also can be a field bee gathering nectar and pollen. It can be an attendant and feed the queen, her job is to lay eggs, the drones job is to mate with the queen, the worker does everything else from carrying out the dead and making wax for the combs.

Do male or female collect pollen?

Females, males are only meant to mate with the queen.

Is Queen the biggest?

The queen honey bee is approximately 1/3 bigger than a worker bee. no he is the smallest The queen is a female so 'he' can't be smallest.

What is the difference between the eggs of Queen bee and worker bee?

Firstly, both the queen and the workers are female. Only the drones are male. The queen is larger than the workers. She has been fertilized and is carrying sperm in order to fertilize eggs as she lays them (up to 2,000 eggs a day). Workers, although female, cannot lay eggs if there is a queen in the hive. Should the queen die, workers can start to lay eggs, but as they have not been fertilized these eggs can only develop into drones, so unless there is a developing queen cell the colony will eventually die out when there are insufficient workers to maintain the hive. A queen never leaves the hive other than to mate, or in a swarm, so she does not collect food. In fact, the workers have to feed her and take care of all her needs.

Does the queen bee have to mate with her own children?

No. In fact a queen usually won't mate with drones from her own hive.When a new queen is about a week old she leaves the hive on a mating flight. She flies some distance and climbs some 30 or 40 metres into the air chased by a number of drones. She mates on the wing with several drones, even up to 20, then returns to the hive. If she didn't encounter enough drones on the first flight she may go out again on another day, but usually after she returns to the hive she won't leave it again unless with a swarm.The queen stores the sperm she receives in an organ called the spermetheca and this is sufficient for her entire egg-laying life: an average of three years. She will not mate again.

Related questions

What is the job of a drone?

The job of a drone male bee is to manage the hive and mate with the queen bee.

What is the male for bee?

A male bee is called the drone they do not work there only purpose is to mate with the queen.

What does te drone bee do?

The only purpose of a honey bee drone is to mate with a virgin queen - after which it dies.

How the female bee finds the the male bee whom she mates with?

actually, it's the other way around. what happens is quite simple really. the queen bee, who is the only bee that mates and is the mother of the hive, goes on what is called a mating flight and flies out of the hive and begins to fly around. the male bees, which are known as drones, then fly out of their hives and go to where the queen is at and begin to mate with her while flying high up in the air. the queen only needs to mate 5 or 6 times, although she can mate 10 to 12 times. after mating, the male dies. the queen then returns to her hive and stays there, for the most part, for the rest of her life.

How do you know when the queen bee is in mating flight?

the Queen bee flies twice once to mate and, she is alone second to lead her swarm, shes not alone

What is the honey bee's job?

the male honey bees mate with the new queen

How many times does a Queen Bee live?

Everything lives only once.

What happens when the queen bee doesn't produce more babies?

a queen bee never stops producing, To ensure the colony's survival, the worker bees will work to have a replacement ready for the queen if she is old or is not producing an adequate amount of eggs. A virgin queen bee will fight other virgin queen bee till she becomes the surviving one. Then she will mate and become the new queen bee.

What does a drone bee do?

3/4 inches.Hope this helped.Noah

What does a flower do when it is pollinated?

The worker bee has many roles. It can be a nurse bee or a house bee, taking care of jobs in the hive. It also can be a field bee gathering nectar and pollen. It can be an attendant and feed the queen, her job is to lay eggs, the drones job is to mate with the queen, the worker does everything else from carrying out the dead and making wax for the combs.

A male bee is a drone?

A male bee is a drone, doesn't have a sting, unlike a female worker. A drone's primary role is to mate with a fertile queen.

How many egg will the queen bee have?

2000 ova (or eggs) are laid by queen bee in a single day.