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In mitosis the cell divides once. The two cells, in some cases, may then divide again, but mitosis is just one cell dividing into two cells.

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12y ago

Mitosis only involves one division. The parent cell divides into two, producing two daughter cells. These daughter cells will eventually undergo mitosis, and divide again.

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How many times does the cell divide mitosis?

2 twice

When does the cell divide in mitosis and meosis?

The cell divides (undergoes cytokinesis) during telophase.

How is the cell prepared for mitosis during the G2 phase?

The G2 phase continues growth of the cell and prepares the cell for mitosis by producing all of the enzymes that the cell will need in order to divide.

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Mitosis is a division of what?

All the cells that divide in your body, except for sex cells, which divide through meiosis, divide by mitosis.

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Chromosomes can be seen during cell divison, Reference Before a cell gets ready to divide by mitosis, each chromosome is duplicated (during S phase of the cell cycle

How do body cell divide?

Through mitosis.

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Would a mammal cell divide using mitosis?

Cells alway divide using myiosis or mitosis, this differs per cell. In a human most cells divide using mitosis, a human is a mammal so there's your answer

Do somatic cell or gametes divide by mitosis?

somatic cells divide by mitosis. gametes, and sexual cell differentiation take place through meiosis.

What is it called between one mitosis and another mitosis?

The period between two mitotic phases in a cell is known as interphase. During interphase, a cell carries out its metabolic processes and prepares to divide.

The phase of mitosis which is actually the non-dividing phase of the cell Cell spends 90 percent of its time in this phase?

During the interphase stage of mitosis, the cell does not divide and spends a big portion of the time at this stage. During that time, the cell synthesizes its DNA and doubles the cytoplasm.