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Each year, 14 million trees are cut down to make just 10 million paper bags.

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15y ago
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14y ago

a lot

not just a lot ... A WHOLE LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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12y ago

Did you know it can take up to one to two trees (depending on an average height of sixty feet)to make one roll of paper towels! Please save a tree use a rag.

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Q: How many trees are cut down for paper bags each day?
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How many trees are cut down each day to make a newspaper?

There are over 29 million trees that are cut down each year. 100 trees per minute are cut down in the rainforest to provide the materials to build homes, make furniture and paper.

Why plastic bags should be used?

Umm... They're not. In any way I know of. They're terrible. The only concivable argument in their favor is paper bags have to have trees cut down to be produced and plastic doesn't but plastic sits in landfills for a century. In shorter terms, ditch plastic bags and if you feel bad about cutting down trees for your groceries go plant afew trees. Like, 10... We should have more trees.

How many trees get cut every year to make paper in the whole world?

Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper!

What about the number of trees which are cut annually?

Every year, on average, the amount of trees that are cut down are about the size of Ireland and 2 billion of those trees go to making paper.The fact is, world consumption of paper has grown 400% in the last 40 years.Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper, representing about 35% of all harvested trees.

What properties of paper make it suitable for each use?

some of the things that could be used for paper is,setain towels,clothes like, pants and shirts.Also could be for bags like paper bags.

How many trees get cut down to make books each year?

It is estimated that around 2.9 billion trees are cut down each year for paper production, which includes making books. However, it's important to note that not all of these trees are specifically cut down for books, as paper is used in various industries. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable forestry practices and increase the use of recycled paper to reduce the impact on forests.

On average how many trees are cut down each year?

An estimated 15 billion trees are cut down worldwide every year. This deforestation contributes to habitat loss, climate change, and threatens biodiversity. Efforts to promote sustainable forestry practices and conservation are crucial to mitigate these negative impacts.

Which country cuts down the most trees each year?

Brazil cuts down the most trees each year.

How many trees are used for paper for school?

TWENTY MILLION ACRES of forest are cut down each day, and 30% (SIX MILLION ACRES PER DAY!) becomes wood pulp for paper. There's an average worldwide of about 20 trees per acre, so that's about.... ONE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION TREES PER DAY! disgusting...

How many forests get cut down each year?

52,560,000 million trees get cut down a year

What are trees chopped down for?

The amount of trees that are cut down each year, according to a 2012 report was reduced by 60,000 square kilometers per year. It is stated that the amount is between 3 billion to 6 billion trees per year.

Almost half a million trees are destroyed each week to produce what?

they are cut down for different things like paper,wood,toiletpaper,and somthin else