

How many words parrot can learn?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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over a thousand words. they like to learn swear words the most, because they get more reactions from their owners. the African grey( i think) is the parrot that can learn the most words.

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The word for parrot in Spanish is papagayo. It is pronounced "papa-GUY-oh." You can find Spanish translations for individual words by going to and typing in the words "English to Spanish" without the quotation marks and a box will show for you to type your word in that you want translated.

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None can learn to talk, but parrots can imitate human words. Such as if you had a disabled friend and he got a parrot and then kept saying cripple to it, that would be cool.

Which species of parrot learn to talk most readily?

The African gray parrot is considered the best talker.

What is a parrots behavior?

What exactly do you mean. If you want to know how they learn to talk and relate to humans nicely then there are few websites that help you learn about them. Parrots basically learn to imitate rather than understand words, but there are some parrots like the African Grey parrot that is known to understand some words too.

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Andrew Jackson. Bloddy parrot!

How do you make a parrot speak?

Say words continuously...your parrot has to be a talking breed to talk though...

How do you make an six month old African grey parrot to speak?

Talk to your parrot, repetitiously, as you might talk to a baby. Parrots learn from what they hear.

What is the Spanish word for parrott?

One of the Spanish words for "parrot" is loro, but you could just say parrot.

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