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By giving IV fluids you increase the volume of fluid that the heart has to circulate thus increasing the blood pressure.

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Q: How might the addition of IV fluids stabilize blood pressure?
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What drives exchange of fluids between tissues and the blood?

concentration gradients, osmosis, and hydrostatic pressure

Any suggestions On raising your blood pressure i have extremely low blood pressure?

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. If it is still low you need to see a medical provider to probably put on certain medications to increase your blood pressure.

What medical condition does a patient suffering from hypertension have?

high blood pressure high blood pressure high blood pressure high blood pressure There can be so many reasons why a person develops High Blood Pressure. Hereditary, diet, stress, increased fluids in the circulatory system because if your diet contains a lot of salt the fluids are going to stay with the salt. There is a lot to Hypertension please discuss a plan with your Doctor because sometimes it can take months to find the proper control and hypertension does damage the heart.

How do fluids get from the stomach to the kidNEY?

From the stomach, fluids travel to the small and large intestine. The main water absorption happens in the large intestine, where the water is absorbed into the blood. This creates a higher blood pressure. However, this blood goes travels through the kidneys, which senses there is higher blood pressure, and in turn, takes the water from the blood into the kidney. These fluid will then leave the body as a component of urine.

What is Disadvantages of sodium chloride for human?

table salt causes retention of fluids which increaes the volume of body fluids that must be circulated by the heart increasing blood pressure.

What is the transport is it when the blood pressure forces some water and solute particles from a blood vessel and into the kidneys?

Filtration is when fluids and solutes flow down their pressure gradient across a membrane such as in the glomerulus of the kidney.

The patient was given intravenous fluids raise blood volume and pressure why it is also necessary to have a blood transfusion?

To increase the amount of red blood cells which are required to carry oxegen

What is the remedy for low blood pressure?

Depends on what's causing it. Most common cause is low blood volume, in which case increasing fluids is Rx of choice.

What are the drawbacks of regional anesthesia for cesarean section?

Some women experience a drop in blood pressure which can be countered with fluids and/or medications.

Why is smoking bad for your blood pressure?

The nicotine in a cigarette causes small blood vessels to constrict, which thereby increases blood pressure.