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It depends on a number of factors such as age, heart rate and depth of breathing. However, on average a human being exhales around 40,000 PPM of CO2.

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Q: How much CO2 ppm do human lungs exhale on average?
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vital lung capacity is how much air remains in your lungs after you exhale

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They sure are, much larger!

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How much carbon dioxide does a human exhale?

It depends on age, gender and activity but on average a human exhales 1 KG per day?If you are thinking of global warming, then the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans (and animals) does not contribute to global warming. The carbon we exhale was taken from the world very recently, so breathing is part of the carbon cycle.Alot.

What is the maximum amount of air you can inhale?

as much as you take in It is not the amount you breathe in. It is called vital capacity. Even after a person breathes out as much as he or she can, there is air remaining in the lungs. This is called residual volume.

How much human lungs weight?

22 to 32 ounces

How do chameleons breathe?

Chameleons have lungs and air passages much like humans do. They inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like all other reptiles.

What is the volume of air in out lungs?

In total, the average mans lungs can contain 5800ml of air and an average womans lungs can contain 4050ml of air, however, it is only possible for a man to forcefullly exhale 4600ml of this air, and a woman can only forcefuly exhale 3150ml. If the remaining air were to be removed from the lungs they would collapse. -This information is taken from Guyton and Halls "Textbook of Medical Physiology" 2006 Ed. In normal rested breathing, an average male breaths in and out 500ml of air, and an average women breaths in and out 350ml of air. This volume is called the tidal volume. If an average man were to forcefully inspire as much as possible, he could breath in an additional 3000ml of air. An average women could forcefully breath in an additional 2000ml. This additional volume that can be inspired is called the inspirational reserve volume. If an average man were to forcefully expire as much air as possible, he could push out about 1100ml of air in addition to the normal 500ml. An average women could forcefully push out an additional 800ml. This additional volume that can be exspired is called the exspirational reserve volume. There is an additional 1200ml of air in an avergae mans lungs, and an additional 900ml of air in an avergae womens lungs that they cannot blow out. This volume is called the residual volume.

How much water can fill in human lungs?

approximatly 5 and a half (5.5)

How much do the human lungs weigh?

5 pounds. 2.5 each.

The human body has how much lungs?

Normally a person has 2 lungs... but its possible to live with just 1