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Benadryl®, or the generic diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. It is also the primary ingredient in most over-the-counter sleep aids, because of its sedative side-effects.

If you've never taken diphenhydramine for sleep, chances are good that one will knock you out quickly. If you're still awake half-an-hour later, you can safely take a second dose, but no more.

Be aware that the sedative side-effects of diphenhydramine may last longer than expected, causing you to oversleep the next morning or feel groggy for several hours after waking.

If you have difficulty sleeping for more than two weeks, contact a physician for advice.

For more information about sleep hygiene, see the link.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Take the dosage that is recommded on the label. All medication that is certified by the FDA is required by law to have instructions on usage. DO NOT exceed the daily amount for any reason. Be Good! Those who use diphenhydramine recreationally take a higher dose than recommended (usually between 225mg and 450mg, or 9-18 pills) for its deliriant effects. Diphenhydramine (the active ingredient in Benadryl) is also a component of the recreational form of heroin known as "cheese" or "chiva". The mental effects are described by many as "dreaming while awake" involving visual and auditory hallucinations which, unlike those experienced with most psychedelic drugs, often cannot be readily distinguished from reality.

Diphenhydramine generally has a low abuse profile due to the frequently unpleasant nature of the hallucinations. People who consume a high recreational dose can possibly find themselves in a hallucination which places them in a familiar situation with people and friends and rooms they know, while in reality being in a totally different setting.

Inexperienced users of hallucinogens are liable to panic. Other CNS effects occur within the limbic system and hippocampus, causing confusion and temporary amnesia. Toxicology also manifests in the autonomic nervous system, primarily at the neuromuscular junction, resulting in ataxia and extrapyramidal side-effects, and at sympathetic post-ganglionic junctions, causing urinary retention, pupil dilation, tachycardia, irregular urination, and dry skin and mucous membranes.

Considerable overdosage (30 or more pills) can lead to myocardial infarction (heart attack), serious ventricular dysrhythmias, coma and death. Such a side-effect profile is thought to give ethanolamine-class antihistamines a relatively low abuse liability. The specific antidote for diphenhydramine poisoning is physostigmine, usually given by IV in hospital.

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12y ago

Don't fn do it dude, nothin but evil demonic very scary trips is all I've ever seen happen to my friends. one ended up in the mental ward. alcohol makes it worse. 900mg should do it less if you skinny don't wanna die. life threating side effects can occur so always have a sober baby sitter when tripping on anything

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13y ago

A safe amount is around 12-14 25mg tablets which is equal to around 300mg

At this dose it acts as an efective hallucenigan

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14y ago

Well I only take it once a week but about 400-500mg. Every once in a blue moon 1000mg.

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13y ago

I don't know, but the fact that you are asking that question tells me that you are smart as a box of rocks and you should seek help. Seriously that stuff can kill you stupid

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As a pharmacy doctorate candidate I would say that it is not recommended to give Zyrtec and Benadryl together since they will both relieve allergy symptoms in similar ways. Zyrtec is best if you want non-drowsy relief. Benadryl would be best if you want the child to sleep. Both however, are effective.

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This is not an official or anything, but I have been taking dyphenhydramine for sleep (which is the active ingredient in Benedryl), and I have been taking these for so long my body does not react to the "Normal" dosage, and I will take anywhere from 15-25 at a time. It will dry your sinuses out and it can make you hallucinate. If you do not eat it will also cause vomiting.

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You in a cult ? ... This question is suss -_-

Is Benadryl a sleeping pill?

I wouldn't advise using benadryl for sleeping problems. There are many things that can cause sleep issues but I would go see a doctor and maybe even get a second opinion. Good luck and hope you sleep better!

Is Benadryl a mood altering drug?

Like many other antihistamines, Benadryl makes you sleepy. It is the major component in over-the-counter sleep aids. It is not mood-altering. You should take it only before going to bed, as it can affect coordination and lead to possible falls and injury. Never operate a vehicle or machinery of any kind while taking it. You have to be pretty hard up for fun to imagine that you get any with Benadryl. There are possible serious side effects with Benadryl. It is a good idea to use it only as directed, and only for short periods. Read the package insert for detailed information. Among other things, it is possible to become dependent on it for sleep, and sleep disturbances can result when use is ceased.

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Benadryl tablets usually contain 25mg of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, though the dosage should be on the back of the bottle.

How many days should your dog be on Benadryl?

That should be up to your Veterinarian. Benadryl can be used at first as an emergency medication but then your pet should be taken to your Veterinarian to be checked out and treated from there. Do not self medicate your dog.

How many times should the pregnancy pills be used if fails?

You need to specify what "pregnancy pills" is. There are no magic pills that makes you pregnant.