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By 1603, the church had changed dramatically. By the time Henry VII and Henry VIII had died the church was extremely Catholic. Most churches included an Alta, chalice and the priests wore elaborate robes. However, in 1547 the churches were altered and were no longer extremely catholic but moderate. Edward had changed churches practises. By 1558 Mary, I had completely transformed churches from being moderate to being extremely protestant. However once Elizabeth started to rein the church was once again Catholic, but by 1603 when Elizabeth had died the church was transformed back to extremely protestant. During the rein of Henry VII (1465) the churches were extremely Catholic, the decoration included elaborate patterns on the ceilings on and the walls. The main patterns were stars. Inside the churches, the altar was the most important place. Near or on the altar would be the chalice and the mass books. Because mass books were so important and delicate, they usually have a cover over the top of it to protect it. But, however perfect they thought the churches were, they didn't appeal to some people, these people were mainly all Protestant. The complaint the Protestants had was that the Church was becoming TOO rich and wealthy, this was because the church was asking for to much money in their opinion. However it wasn't just the money that they got but the way they spent it. For example most money was spent on nice new clothes and palaces. Also you could pay of sins to the pope or bishops; this belief was detested strongly by them. They felt that if you were poor, you would not have the advantage that the wealthier people have. Another complaint was that because the church services were in Latin, the protestants felt as if it was harder to connect with God if it was in this way.One last complaint was that the monks were too lazy and didn't do their work probably. And that the priests don't visit or take care of their parishes. In 1509- 1547 Henry the eighth changed the churches to be moderate. He was trying to turn them into being protestant due to his strong beliefs. He did this to fit his own rights. For example he changed the pope ( who the Christians worshiped) from being the head of church so that he was the head. This woas only so that he could divorce one of his wives. In 1547 -1553 Edward VI changed the church from being moderate to being protestant. By 1603, the church had changed dramatically. By the time Henry VII and Henry VIII had died the church was extremely Catholic. Most churches included an Alta, chalice and the priests wore elaborate robes. However, in 1547 the churches were altered and were no longer extremely catholic but moderate. Edward had changed churches practises. By 1558 Mary, I had completely transformed churches from being moderate to being extremely protestant. However once Elizabeth started to rein the church was once again Catholic, but by 1603 when Elizabeth had died the church was transformed back to extremely protestant. During the rein of Henry VII (1465) the churches were extremely Catholic, the decoration included elaborate patterns on the ceilings on and the walls. The main patterns were stars. Inside the churches, the altar was the most important place. Near or on the altar would be the chalice and the mass books. Because mass books were so important and delicate, they usually have a cover over the top of it to protect it. But, however perfect they thought the churches were, they didn't appeal to some people, these people were mainly all Protestant. The complaint the Protestants had was that the Church was becoming TOO rich and wealthy, this was because the church was asking for to much money in their opinion. However it wasn't just the money that they got but the way they spent it. For example most money was spent on nice new clothes and palaces. Also you could pay of sins to the pope or bishops; this belief was detested strongly by them. They felt that if you were poor, you would not have the advantage that the wealthier people have. Another complaint was that because the church services were in Latin, the protestants felt as if it was harder to connect with God if it was in this way.One last complaint was that the monks were too lazy and didn't do their work probably. And that the priests don't visit or take care of their parishes. In 1509- 1547 Henry the eighth changed the churches to be moderate. He was trying to turn them into being protestant due to his strong beliefs. He did this to fit his own rights. For example he changed the pope ( who the Christians worshiped) from being the head of church so that he was the head. This woas only so that he could divorce one of his wives. In 1547 -1553 Edward VI changed the church from being moderate to being protestant. By 1603, the church had changed dramatically. By the time Henry VII and Henry VIII had died the church was extremely Catholic. Most churches included an Alta, chalice and the priests wore elaborate robes. However, in 1547 the churches were altered and were no longer extremely catholic but moderate. Edward had changed churches practises. By 1558 Mary, I had completely transformed churches from being moderate to being extremely protestant. However once Elizabeth started to rein the church was once again Catholic, but by 1603 when Elizabeth had died the church was transformed back to extremely protestant. During the rein of Henry VII (1465) the churches were extremely Catholic, the decoration included elaborate patterns on the ceilings on and the walls. The main patterns were stars. Inside the churches, the altar was the most important place. Near or on the altar would be the chalice and the mass books. Because mass books were so important and delicate, they usually have a cover over the top of it to protect it. But, however perfect they thought the churches were, they didn't appeal to some people, these people were mainly all Protestant. The complaint the Protestants had was that the Church was becoming TOO rich and wealthy, this was because the church was asking for to much money in their opinion. However it wasn't just the money that they got but the way they spent it. For example most money was spent on nice new clothes and palaces. Also you could pay of sins to the pope or bishops; this belief was detested strongly by them. They felt that if you were poor, you would not have the advantage that the wealthier people have. Another complaint was that because the church services were in Latin, the protestants felt as if it was harder to connect with God if it was in this way.One last complaint was that the monks were too lazy and didn't do their work probably. And that the priests don't visit or take care of their parishes. In 1509- 1547 Henry the eighth changed the churches to be moderate. He was trying to turn them into being protestant due to his strong beliefs. He did this to fit his own rights. For example he changed the pope ( who the Christians worshiped) from being the head of church so that he was the head. This woas only so that he could divorce one of his wives. In 1547 -1553 Edward VI changed the church from being moderate to being protestant.

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Q: How much did Henry VIII and his son edward vi change the church of England?
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After Henry VIII died did Edward VI change the church?

No, Edward continued with his father's changes, it was his sister Mary that tried to revert England to the Catholic Church. However, when she died Elizabeth I reverted to protestantism and that is how things have remained since.

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If you are talking about the creation of the Anglican Church and Henry VIII, and his daughter Elizabeth I, and son, Edward making Catholicism illegal, then King Henry VIII, King Edward, and Queen Elizabeth.

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Henry VII change the church of England extremely, In many ways he introduced divorce well people knew about it but didn't really understand.he also changed catholics to Anglicans.

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If you are referring to Henry VIII, he had himself proclaimed the head of the Church in England, breaking with the papal authority of Rome.

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Probably Henry VIII made more changes than his son Edward VI. Mainly because Henry was on the throne longer. Henry dissolved the monasteries and made England a protestant country. Edward only reigned for six years and he was only sixteen when he died. He mainly continued to implement the changes that his father had set in motion. While Henry may have abandoned the Catholic faith and created the Church of England for political and personal reason. There is no doubt that Edward was a true believer in the Church of England as a religion and if he had grown up to be a man he may well have proven to be a much greater force for change than his father ever was.

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Answer The Church of England was established by King Henry VIII of England in 1534 (EDIT)

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