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A lot. Trust me. Whatever picture you want, how big you want it, it really doesn't matter. Just don't do it. Don't make the same mistake I did.

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Q: How much does an inner lip tattoo swell?
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Does your lip swell up after getting a lip tattoo?


Is it normal for a inner lip tattoo to bruise?

I got a inner lip tatoo yesterday and mine looks it has bruised but im not sure if it is a bruise.... i hope it is.

Can you see lip tattoos when you talk?

Tattoos of the inner lip are not visible while talking, you have to actually fold the lip over to expose the inner section, if you want to see the tattoos. It's a really strange place for a tattoo.

Does Mitchel Musso have a tattoo in his mouth?

Yes. It says "GIA" on his inner lower lip, as in Gia Mantegna, one of his ex girlfriends.

About how much does a inner lip tattoo cost?

This all depends on the shop you go.Pretty much every shop has a minimum price it shouldent be much over this.The shop i work our minimum is $50.I usually do inner lips for 50-70 depending on what it is.Most of the time i try and talk the customer out of it.

How long does it take for an inner lip tattoo to fade?

Some last months some last forever it matters how deep the artist goes

Does an inner lip tattoo hurt?

i got a ":)" on the inside of my lip a little less than 2 days ago, honestly it didn't really hurt at all. it was done in about 15 seconds. sadly they charged me $60s and it has already pretty much totally faded away.

Does your lip come up when you pierced your lip?

Different people's bodies react differently, but yes, your lip can swell after getting it pierced.

Will a lip tattoo get swollen?

Yes mildly

Can sun exposure cause lips to swell?

Having a too much sun exposure can cause your lips to swell. It is important to put lip balm on your lips just as you do sun screen on your body.

Do they numb your lip before you get your lip pierced?

Nope. They just pierce it. Anything they could use to numb your lip would cause it to swell up, making it hard to pierce you accurately. Besides, it doesn't hurt very much.

Are lip tattoos permanent?

Yes lip tattoos are permanent. They still use ink and a tattoo gun for them. Although your tattoo wont be seen if dont on the inside of the lip its still a very painful process