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$7.25 an hour in general, $4.35 an hour for tipped employees with employers required to make the difference if tips are less than the remaining $2.90 an hour.

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11y ago
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14y ago

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Iowa may have a higher minimum wage, but it can't have a lower minimum wage.

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16y ago

$4.35-Bettendorf IA. Was just raised as of January 1, 2007

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14y ago

Currently ( from 7/1/09 to 6/30/10) Iowa pays a maximum of $374 to $459 WBA (Weekly Benefit Amount) depending on the number of your depends (from 0 to 4+). See the Related Link below.

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11y ago

It's 4.35$ per hour.

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Q: How much is the minimum wage for servers in Iowa?
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The minimum wage for servers in New York is at least $8 per hour. This is what has been defined by The General Industry Minimum Wage Act .

How much does a waitress make per hour in Iowa?

In the state of Iowa, a waitress is considered to be a tipped employee. In Iowa the minimum wage for tipped employees is $4.35 per hour. This is higher than the federal minimum wage of $2.13 an hour for tipped employees.

What is the minimum wage for waitresses in Iowa?

The minimum wage for waitresses in the state of Iowa is $3.25 per hour. The tips a waitress receives is believed to bring their total income above the federal minimum wage.

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$2.35 per hour

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minimum wage is $2.13 plus whatever tips you make.

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Washington state does not allow a tip credit, so servers must be paid the state minimum wage of $8.55. Washington, D.C. allows a tip credit that brings minimum wage for tipped employees who qualify down to $2.77.

How much is the minimum wage for servers in Nevada?

$5.30 per hour for employees with a qualified health insurance plan, and $6.85 per hour for all other employees. It is not different from the regular minimum wage.

What is the minimum wage in Columbia?

The legal general minimum wage in British Columbia is $10.25 an hour. The minimum wage was last updated on 2012 May 1. Other minimum wages include: Liquor servers: $9.00 an hour.

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The legal general minimum wage in British Columbia is $10.25 an hour. The minimum wage was last updated on 2012 May 1. Other minimum wages include: Liquor servers: $9.00 an hour.

What is the minimum wage in British Columbia?

The legal general minimum wage in British Columbia is $10.25 an hour. The minimum wage was last updated on 2012 May 1. Other minimum wages include: Liquor servers: $9.00 an hour.