

How much is buttock injection?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Injections to increase size or shape of buttocks or Botox injections for wrinkles.?

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Q: How much is buttock injection?
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What quadrant of the buttock do you give a deep IM injection?

right quadrant

Where can one find a reputable buttock injection service?

The reputable buttock injection shots are very dangerous & also very illegal in the US because they are not FDA approved. Don't ever trust a non-licensed doctor to give you any type of injections.

Have you ever had to bend over a receptionist's lap for an injection if so how old were you and what was the shot?

My last buttock injection across a receptionist's lap was a penicillin shot in adolescence.

Have you ever had a buttock injection that hurt so much you couldn't sit down?

When I got booster shots in my bottom for school they didn't hurt much at the time but I couldn't sit down for days afterwards.

Why are buttock muscles as injection sites on children under age two contraindicated?

too close to the sciatic nerve

Why are buttock muscules as injection sites for children under age 2 contraindicated?

It is contraindicated because an infant's buttock is so small it is easy to inadvertently hit the sciatic nerve causing pain and possibly nerve damage.

How much do buttock injections cost?


Is it normal to feel pain in an injection site a week after have stinging and an ache on your right buttock and down your leg since receiving an injection to stop nausea after an operation?

doesn't sound too good, i would see the doctor

How much to butt implants cost in England?

Buttock implants are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. We charge £ 6000 for buttock enhancement with implants

Discuss why gamma globulin injections are painful?

Gamma globulin is a huge injection with a long, thick needle deep in the buttock muscle that can take several minutes to administer, consequently it hurts when getting it but it doesn't produce much tenderness later.

How much are buttock implants?

look it up online they are quite expensive though and Im sure you dont need buttock implants. you should be happy with the way you are.

What could cause a bump on your buttock that's very painful where you injected steroids?

You have hit a blood vessel and it is a bruise. A swelling of blood at the injection site. Massage the area to dispell the blood.