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The Annual Earnings Test for 2011 hasn't been released yet, but budget projections indicate there may be no change from 2010. For the 2010 tax year, the answer depends on your age and whether you're drawing Social Security benefits for retirement or disability.


If you've reached full retirement age (65 for people born prior to 1943; 66 for people born between 1943 and 1954), there is no limit to how much you can earn.

In the year you reach full retirement age, you can earn $37,680 annually, but for every $3.00 over the limit, $1.00 is withheld from your benefits until the month your reach full retirement age.

If you are under full retirement age, you can earn $14,160 per year without incurring a penalty. For every $2.00 over the limit, $1.00 is withheld from benefits.


People on disability can earn up to $1,000 per month ($12,000 per year) for most disabilities, or $1,640 per month ($19,680 per year) for anyone legally blind. Earning more than these limits would be considered engaging in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), would trigger a continuing disability review, and likely result in an end to the person's disability status with Social Security.

If a disabled person attempts to return to work, SSDI allows a nine-month, non-consecutive trial work period during which there is no income limit, and no penalty for "excessive" earnings. Any month a disabled person earns more than $720.00 is counted toward the nine-month trial work period, however.

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