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Q: How much morphine is in bromfed-dm cough syrup mor?
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How much is 10 mil of cough syrup?

1 tbs

How many calories are in a 120ml bottle of cough syrup?

A typical teaspoon of regular cough syrup has around 15 calories. For many people, to use regular cough syrup for the typical duration of a cold would not present a problem. For those with special health concerns or who prefer not to ingest sugar, there are sugar free varieties of cough medicine.

100ml of corex cough syrup contains how much of codeine phosphate?

100 mg of codeine phosphate in100ml of corex cough syrup

How can taking too much cough syrup with codeine affect your breathing?

IF you take an overdose, the cough medicine could have an alternative reaction to your body.

How much lean cough syrup does someone have to drink to show up as a positive drug test result?

two teaspoons

What is the role of viscosity in cough syrup?

The term viscosity refers to the smooth liquid flow of something. A liquid more viscocious flows more smoothly than a liquid less Viscocious. I.E. Orange juice to maple syrup. Viscosity in cough syrup is important because when it flows easier, it's much easier for you to ingest and digest.

How long will your cough syrup with codeine stay in urine?

If the cough syrup contains codeine, it can be detected in the urine for 1 to 2 days. After that, it will be out of a person's system. Codeine can be detected in the hair for around 90 days depending on how much and how often a person has taken it.

Does codeine cough syrup show up in a drug test?

of course, codeine is an opiod which in a urine test can be detected within 2-4 days of use.

How much phenergan cough syrup can you consume without getting sick?

Phenergan or Phenergan with codeine ? Either way , follow the dosage recommendations. Do not exceed them without consulting your doctor. Phenergan plain is more to thin secretions, so increase fluids. Phenergan w/codeine is to suppress cough. DO NOT take Phenergan w/ codeine with other cough syrup with dextromethorphan, also a cough supressant . You WILL get sick to you stomach. Try a tablespoon of honey to help supress the cough , if you have no food allergies.

How much cough syrup must you drink before you can slur your speech as unintelligibly as that Lil Wayne negro?

Lil Wayne Doesn't Slur. (: H a t e r Much ? (:

How much cough syrup will kill you?

Any more than the prescribed dose of any cough syrup will kill you. Unless the only active ingredient is Dextromethorphan. In that case any amount more than 8 ounces will kill you. shut up! that's total crap, don't be an over cautious bitch, sippin syrup is bad for you but if you drink more then the dose on the bottle you wont die you'll just be leaninnnnngg

Can you take penicillin with cough syrup?

It depends what your antibiotics are for. If you are taking antibiotics to treat a bronchial, lung, or throat infection, I would say stay away from any cough syrup containing dextromethorphan. This suppresses your cough, which is your body's natural defense against foreign material in your airway. Think about it. You have bacteria trying to grow into a colony in your throat. If you keep coughing them up, they will have a much harder time growing and thriving. If you suppress your cough, they will be able to settle down without much disturbance. However, if you get a cough syrup with guaifenesin as it's active ingredient, that may be best. Guaifenesin does not stop you from coughing, but helps you cough up whatever is in your airway better. It breaks up all that phlegm in there and allows it to pass. This may be your best bet. Just be SURE to drink a full glass of water with each dose of Guaifenesin. You will be surprised how much it helps! However, if your antibiotic is for some other type of infection, like an ear infection or something not related to your cough at all, I would guess any type of cough syrup is fine. Remember, DM is for a DRY cough, and Guaifenesin is for a wet cough. It is best to ask the doctor who perscribed the antibiotic, or consult with a pharmacist. They know these things very well.