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im not sure the exact in miles but neptune is the 8th planet from the sun

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Q: How much of distance is Neptune from the sun sdkfjkonmfjmdfjsdklfgoshen rfkjhsdfkjbxfgbbxdjkbfhobndbnfbjdbnfs... sf?
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What planet is on maximum distance from the earth?

No matter where earth and Neptune are in their orbits about the sun, Neptune will always be the furthest planet from us. The reason is that the distance between Uranus and Neptune is much greater than the distance between the earth and sun.

How much farther away is Neptune from the Sun in comparison with Mercury?

Neptune is roughly 88 times the distance from the sun as Mercury.

Is there a stronger gravitation attraction between the Sun and Neptune?

No, the strength of gravitation attraction between two celestial bodies depends on their masses and the distance between them. The Sun has a much larger mass than Neptune, so it exerts a stronger gravitational force on the planet. However, the distance between the Sun and Neptune is much greater than the distance between the Sun and Earth, so the gravitational force between the Sun and Neptune is weaker than the force between the Sun and Earth.

Why is Neptune much colder than mars?

Temperature relies on distance from the Sun. In order the planets are ... Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto So Mercury is hottest as it is closest to the Sun Mars is closer than Neptune, so is hotter. So Neptune is colder.

How much moons does Neptune have?

Neptune has 8 moons.

Is the Milky Way farther from Earth than Neptune?

Earth and Neptune are both in the Milky Way, so on that basis, the Milky Way is zero distance from us. What we sometimes call the Milky Way is a hazy area going through the night sky. That is much further away than Neptune is.

How much is Neptune tilted on its axis?

Neptune has an axial tilt of 28.32°

Can you ignite Neptune?

No, you can't ignite Neptune. While much of Neptune's atmosphere is hydrogen, there is no oxygen there to support combustion.

Is the moon or neptune farther from earth?

The moon is about 384,403 kilometers (238,857 miles) from Earth, and about 4,564 million kilometers (2,835 million miles) from Neptune. So, the moon is much closer to the Earth, Neptune over 10,000 times farther away.

How much colder is it on Neptune than on earth?

It is 50000000 degrees colder on Neptune.

Is Neptune bigger than Mars?

Neptune is bigger than Mars and also the Earth

Is planet earth the same size as neptune?

No. Neptune is much larger than Earth.