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All of it, just as everyone else does. The "only use 10% of your brain" thing is an urban legend.

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Q: How much of his brain did albert einstein used?
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How much part of brain is used by Albert Einstein and How it is calculated?

Albert has actually Used 7% oF his Brain

How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

What percentage of brain was used by Albert Einstein?

20 %

Who has used his maximum brain?

albert einstein used the maximum brain and his IQ level was more than 128 .

What tools albert Einstein use?

For his work in theoretical physics, the primary took that Albert Einstein used was his brain. No doubt he also used pen or pencil and paper, and occasionally chalk and a chalk board.

What tools did albert einstein use?

For his work in theoretical physics, the primary took that Albert Einstein used was his brain. No doubt he also used pen or pencil and paper, and occasionally chalk and a chalk board.

What is so great about Albert Einstein?

Whats so great about Albert Einstein was that we, normal humans only used 5%of our brain.Unlike the genius Albert who surprisingly used 15% of his brain which caused him to over think and died. Using too much of our brain for study and learning and not using some for controlling our physical body caused his death. Hope dat explains :D

How much percent brain used by Einstein?


How much parentage brain used by Einstein?

100 %

How much percent einstein used his brain?


What is so great about Einstein?

Whats so great about Albert Einstein was that we, normal humans only used 5%of our brain.Unlike the genius Albert who surprisingly used 15% of his brain which caused him to over think and died. Using too much of our brain for study and learning and not using some for controlling our physical body caused his death. Hope dat explains :D

Are some parts of Albert's brain bigger than the normal human being?

No, his brain was not bigger than normal. Albert Einstein only used much more of his brain than the normal person. If anyone has a bigger brain than someone else, it is only a difference in the body structure, it does not effect intelligence.