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I am not sure how much in acres, but twenty years ago, the tropical rainforests covered 14% of the Earth's surface; today it is less than 6%. One and one-half acres are destroyed every second, and experts estimate we lose 137 plants, animal and insect species per day. Here is an article with references about the cutting down of the rain forests.

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3 billion a week!

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Q: How much of the Amazon rainforest has been cut down?
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How much of the rainforest is cut down each year because of cattle ranchers?

Greenpeace say 80% in the Amazon rainforest.

How cold does it get in the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest is an amazing place, that has a wide temperature range. The coldest is has been known to get is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much land does the amazon rainforest cover in Peru?

The rainforest in Peru is the Amazon. The Peruvian Amazon comprises 60% of the country and is marked by a large degree of biodiversity.

How much Co2 do the trees in the Amazon rainforest make a year?

Amazon rainforest trees don't make carbon dioxide, they take it in. The Amazon rainforest absorbs 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.

Are there aloe in Amazon rainforest?

Yes,, but not very much. they tend to not be able to survivr there but its not completely impossible. it will be if we cut down all the freaking tree's!!

How much seasons are in the Amazon rainforest?

In most tropical rainforests, there are just two seasons, the Wet season and the Dry season .

How much of the amazon rainforest is unexplored?

a lot of it over 5o percent for sure

How much of the amazon rainforest is being lost every month?

Thank god, about 4,017,600.

Were the Aztecs in Amazon rainforest?

No. The Aztec Empire encompassed much of southern Mexico.

What is the relative size of a tropical rainforest?

A tropical rainforest is typically much smaller relative to the amount of area that a grassy plain or temperate forest would occupy. One notable exception is the massive Amazon, but it has been significantly deforested.

Does bamboo grow in Amazon rain forest?

yes bamboo actually grows best in damper places and it mainly grows in southern Asia which a lot of is occupied by tropical rain forests much like the Amazon.

How much does the amazon rainforest get daily?

i think 17 Inches to be precise it is 80 inches yearly