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Depends on exactly what resource.

But until very recently, the USA, with around 300million people (or 1 person in about 20 around the world) was emitting about a quarter of all the world's greenhouse gasses.

That's 25% of the emissions, from 5% of the population, or over 6 times as much as the average for the rest of the world - and that's including the rest of the developed world.

The 'ecological footprint' of the USA is about double that of the EU for about the same population, and is nearly four times that of China (which has nearly four times the population, (and so the ecologicical impact per person is just about 14 times as high in the USA, compared to China)

Currently, a key cause of deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest is making pasture for cattle, so they can be sold as beef for frozen ready meals in the USA.

When compared with other developed world economies with wide-open spaces, like Canada and Australia, transport uses about a third more fuel per mile (and creates a third more emissions per mile)

How much of the world's resources does the USA consume? A lot.

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