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Only your contract knows for sure.

Thirty days is usual , if month to month or you are going to come to the end of your lease and move.The exception is Active Duty Military. Then you must present a copy of your PSC orders. The date of your departure must be shown, but if you are going to a classified post and it is on your orders, obliterate it. The landlord does not need to know this information.

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Q: How much time to give notice to property management?
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in most states, no notice whatever, as the lease is an asset and goes with the property and the tenant's lease is safe--the tenant will be minimally allowed to stay till the lease expires.

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It would depend on the stage of the foreclosure and the laws in the state in which your property is located.

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Property management is the operation of commercial, industrial and/or residential real estate. This is much akin to the role of management in any business.

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Two weeks notice is considered proper.

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How much notice does your landlord have to give you after living there four years?

30 days in writing if by notice you mean eviction

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Standard notice (in America at least) is two weeks.

Definition of management in scope of property management?

Based on Wikipedia...Property management is the operation, control, and oversight of real estate as used in its most broad terms. Management indicates a need to be cared for, monitored and accountability given for its useful life and condition. This is much akin to the role of management in any business.

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if your a casual im pretty sure you dont have to give any notice, but once you are a part time or permanent then you have to give 2 weeks.

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The landlord is typically required to give a tenant no-less than 48 hours notice prior to showing the apartment. A tenant also has the obligation to make the premises available to the landlord, after reasonable notice given, so that he/she may show the apartment.

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Unless local laws specify otherwise wherever you live, an employer does not have to give you any notice.