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same weight different leverages, depends on the machine. just use free weights, its the only real way to know

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14y ago

Well I've heard that you are actually doing 20 to 40 pounds less. Not a fact. But I would think that is close.

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Q: If you are lifting 140 lbs on a resistance machine how much weight are you really lifting?
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Is it safe to use a weight machine alone without anyone to help you?

Not really i would go with a resistance machine instead, like bowflex.

What is the best weight machine to get?

The best weight lifting machine to get is any machine that can exercise multiple parts of the body. To lose weight or gain muscle, one must tone their entire body, not just one part.

How can i increase my weight from 60kg to 70kg?

Consume slightly more calories per day while engaging in regular resistance exercise (weight lifting).

What is resistance when lifting weight?

Resistance is the amount of contrary force against which your muscles must work in order to complete a movement. Most often, these are the weights being lifted or resistance bands being stretched.

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No, boxing is not weight lifting

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Valeo XXL Ocelot Weight Lifting Gloves are easy to wash, it is machine washable and dryable. If you prefer to hang dry them, that's fine as well.

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Its when you lift as much as you can after a certain amount of sets. This is theoretically the max your muscles can withstand.

Does free weight benching Work more museles then the machine 100 is hard for your friend to do in free weight but on the machine he can do 160?

theoretically no, the matchine was designed to give you the exact same exersize as free weight benching, and sometimes they are a little off on the weight you are actually lifting

What kind of resistance do dumbbells provide?

Dumbbells provide fixed resistance. Fixed resistance provides a constant amount of resistance throughout the full range of motion (ROM) of a strength training exercise. This means that the amount of resistance/weight you are lifting does not change during the movement. For example, during a 10-pound curl, you are lifting 10 pounds throughout the motion. Fixed resistance helps to strengthen all the major muscle groups in the body.

What is power in weight lifting?

To be honest, I'm just starting out in weight lifting. But to me, power, as it relates to weight lifting, is the ability to consistently lift a given amount of weight.

Do I need to check with my doctor before using a weight machine?

It is always a good idea to consult your doctor before begining any type of exercise training or weight lifting.

Do your really need talcum powder for weight lifting?

Most people do not use talcum powder when weightlifting.