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i meant the 2468 diet. where u eat 200 calories one day then 400 then 600 then 800 then back to 200 ???

I actually lost about 7 pounds my first 6 days. I found it worked best if I added a fasting day and went 24680 to clear out my body. You'll weigh in lightest at your second 200 day either way though so that's when your going to want to climb on the scale.

(the above answer was someone else)

This diet was developed by anorexics.

If you follow this diet you will lose 10lbs a month but... when you stop you will regain all you lost plus twenty pounds.

I am speaking from personal experience and your body will be in shock for a long time. I started the diet at 110lbs and within two months was at 91... then anything I ate I stored. this diet puts your body in shock. don't do it.

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