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Depends how long you stay on very low calories. If you are extreme enough, eventually all of it.

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Q: How much weight will you lose on a Very low calorie diet?
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What kind of diet can help lose weight quick?

If you want to lose weight very quickly, try a calorie restrictive diet with a low intake of carbs. This is hard to do as you will feel hungry, but you will lose the weight.

How much weight can you lose in a month with a 700 calorie diet?


Is the 2000 calorie diet a good way to lose weight?

Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.

How much weight do you lose in you maintain a 400 calorie diet?

It is very unhealthy to maintain a 400 cal a day diet your organs will start shutting down

Where can I find a quick weight loss diet?

The fastest way to lose weight is lower your calorie intake to a very small number and increase physical activity. You can also try the Atkins diet.

Will you lose weight on a 2000 calorie diet?

It depends on the persons Basal Metabolic Rate.

Low Calorie Diet for Weight Loss?

Embarking on a low calorie diet is an excellent way to shed pounds and lose weight. To lose weight, your low calorie diet must provide you with the adequate amount of calories for health while still allowing you to create a caloric deficit. The most effective way to lose weight is to combine a low calorie diet with moderate exercise. Exercising for 30-45 minutes three times a week will help you to shed the pounds and enjoy a leaner, slimmer body. If you are looking for a low calorie diet that will help fight fat, ask your doctor for a recommendation.

What are some low calorie diet plans i could try?

There are many low calorie diet plans you can try to lose excess weight. The Low Calorie Diet plan and The Model Diet Plan are just two that you to try.

How fast does an 1800 calorie diet work?

On the 1800 calorie diet you typically lose about a pound a week. If you are looking to lose more weight than that in a week you should involve exercise to your diet plan to see better results.

What is the calorie intake for people who are trying to lose weight?

The number of calories you should take in on a diet will depend on your weight and activity level. A low calorie diet (within reason) is the easiest way to lose weight, since weight loss depends on burning more calories than you take in.

Can you switch from low calorie diet to low carb diet and still lose weight?

Of course you can! Low carb dieting is the fastest way to lose weight without starving yourself.

How can a ten year old do to lose weight?

Excersizing and a healthy diet. (Fruits and Vegitables are good) About a 1500 calorie diet.