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Polar bears are a logo of Pepsi and not Coke.

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Related questions

What is the maximum years the white bear can live?

White bears or polar bears have a relatively low life expectancy compared to humans. Usually, polar bears do not live past 25 years old. The oldest known polar bear age was a female at 43.

What color is a polar bear when it is not around snow?

White. The polar bear will be white even away from snow.

Why is the polar white?

The Polar Bear is white because of the sunlight shining on it.

Is there only one species of polar bear?

yes there is only one polar bear its named the white polar bear

What is white inside a white bear and in a land of white?

A smaller polar Bear

How does a polar look?

Like a white grizzly bear.the polar bear is a white bear. it looks like any normal bear bu it's white

What is a big white bear called?

the big white bear is called polar bear

Is a polar bear's fur white?

No. polar bears have clear fur. not white

What is the color of the polar bear?


What eats a white polar bear?

Only the orca is known to occasionally kill and eat a swimming polar bear.

What color is a polah bear?

If you are talking about a polar bear it is white.

What is a polar bear's egg color?

baby polar bear cubs are off white not exactly white but more of a cream