

How often does a person die?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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Once in their life.

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How often does one person die?

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What is a person who wants to die called?

A person who wants to die by killing himself is said to be suicidal. Often they are calling out for a someone to help them. A person who wants to kill other people are said to be homicidal.

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When people die, they often expel their bodily fluids. It would not be uncommon for a deceased person to drool, urinate, or defecate.

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A person in the world dies every 5 seconds and every 2 seconds a child is born

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If a person dies and their home is not paid for, often times the family would be responsible for the bill. In some cases, the loan may actually be forgiven.

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Ist diese die echte Person = Is this the real person

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Once post mortem, muscles that control the eyelid often flex and open the eye, regardless of how the person died.

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This quite often happens. There is no set way to tell when a person is about to die.

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Is this the real person = Ist diese die echte Person Is this the real person = Ist diese die wahre Person