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usually, thousands of years old

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Q: How old are cave paintings estimated to be?
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How old are the cave paintings estimated to be lascaux?

The caves were discovered September 12, 1940.

Which of theses artifacts is the oldest?

Just announced today is an ivory carving dating back 35,000 years (Estimated) - found in Germany.

Which group painted the animal in the Lascaux Cave?

Paleolithic humans created the Lascaux Cave paintings near Montignac, Dordogne, France. The paintings are estimated to be over 17,000 years old. The paintings contain nearly 2,000 figures created out of mineral pigments and engravings. Nearly half are of animals, but there is also a painting of a human, which is rare in Paleolithic art.

What are the oldest cave paintings?

The oldest known cave paintings are found in the caves of Maltravieso in Spain, dating back around 64,000 years. Other notable examples include the Chauvet Cave in France, with paintings dating back around 36,000 years, and El Castillo cave in Spain, where art dates back over 40,000 years.

How do the cave paintings in Africa compare to cave paintings in other parts of the world?

They are both cave paintings

How is the Chauvet Cave unique?

The Chauvet Cave is unique because it contains a vast array and unique collection of cave paintings dated up to 32,000 years old which makes them the oldest cave paintings in the world.

How old is art in France?

There are paintings on cave walls in France that are about 30,000 years old.

How old is the oldest cave?

The oldest known cave is the Cave of El Castillo in Spain, which has been dated to be around 40,800 years old based on cave paintings found inside.

What was produced by prehistoric artists?

cave paintings...

What do old stone age cave paintings reveal about the people?

They knew how to make paint.

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of which period?

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of Paleolithic period.

Which is oldest chauvet cave paintings Lascaux cave paintings or Venus of willendorf?

The Venus of Willendorf is a figurine made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. The cave paintings of Lascaux are 17,000 years BP or before present time.