

Best Answer

normal dog years

any age

depending on health to

take care of you puggle


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Q: How old can a puggle live up to?
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How old do they live up to?

So far I have a puggle named Roscoe who turned 17 years old on April 14 of this year. My other puggle, Raymond who died this past June 25 was 16 1/2 years old.

Is the puggle a good dog to have?

depends on what the puggle's personality is AND what your personality is.

How do you make a puggle on mutt maker?

A beagle and a pug makes a puggle.

How do echidnas raise there young?

Just like the platypus, the echidna is unusual in that it lays an egg and doesn't give birth to live young. The egg is incubated in a special pouch on the underside of the female and hatches after about 10 days. The young echidna (known as a puggle), suckles milk from mammary glands inside the pouch. The puggle stays in the pouch for about 3 months, but then it starts to grow spines and becomes a bit prickly for the mother. She constructs a special nursery burrow for the puggle. The puggle will continue to suckle from its mother and will only leave the burrow after it is 12 months old.

What is the difference between a puggle and a pocket puggle?

Well a puggle is bigger then a pocket puggle.So the difference is that the

Is there a breed of dog called a Puggle?

A puggle is a mix between a pug and a beagle.

Can apes or monkeys live up to 60 years old?

Yes they can live up to 85 years old. Yes they can live up to 85 years old. Yes they can live up to 85 years old.

Is a Puggle a good puppy to buy?

Yes a puggle is a awsome dog and it loves children

How is a pug and a puggle alike?

A "puggle" is the designer name for a cross between a pug and a beagle. Strictly speaking, a puggle should retain half of the characteristics of its pug parent.

How old does a tiger live up to?

tigers live up to 22-23 years old

How old can dolphines live up to?

A dolphin can live up to be one hundared years old!

Is Jojo a good name for a puggle?

Sure, it's very cute and fun to say. "Jojo, you puggle, you!"