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according to my lawyer a child can choose at 12 and in some cases at 10 but never told me what these cases may be...

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Q: How old do you have to be to be able to choose which parent you want to live with in the state of Texas?
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In the state of Texas what age are you able to legally move out of your parent's home?

18, unless you've been emancipated.

How do you enforce child support if parent owing money moved from Georgia to Texas?

It is best to use the recovery unit in your state to assist you with child support. They will be able to contact the new state that the person moved to in order to get their wages garnished.

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Depending on the state, and if the father is secure and responsible enough to support the boy, he should be able to choose which parent he lives with.

In Texas can you move out when you're 17 without being reported as a runaway and can your parents have you brought back home?

Yes, an 18-year-old can transfer schools in Texas without parental consent. It is a good idea to get consent because in most cases a parent is paying for the schooling. This does not mean that the parent is forced to pay for the new school.

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A parent with sole custody should be able to move out of the state of New Jersey. This is unless there are explicit rules against it.

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You should be able to choose if your 16 and only if its a step-parent

What age can minor choose parent to live with?

the ages to chose what parent to live with is 18 and older. but really it should be 12 and older and the older sibling should be able to choose for the younger but the court thinks the kids with the ages between 12-16 are to young to understand but that is not true.

How could a child who is in custody of an American citizen visit a parent in a foreign country?

Depending on the country and what state the other parent is, it could be really expensive. However, say if your child lives in Mexico, and you're in Texas, it would be feasible. If your child lived in say Japan, it would be really expensive and you would probably only be able to stage summer visits or something.

Is it legal for a seventeen year old female to move out of her parent's house in the state of Texas?

It depends. You would have to go and prove that you are able to support and take care of yourself hence get emancipated. If you do decide to just run away, parents are in legal right to make you come back.

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Texas is directly south of Oklahoma and Kansas is directly north of Oklahoma.

Are you a shame to the human race if you choose not to reproduce?

No. Not all people want to have children. Some people doubt their ability to parent a child. Others are not able to conceive naturally.

How old do you have to be to choose a parent?

when your old enough to be able to walk into that court room and tell your feelings to the judge I know cause im going through the same thing