

How old does a baby need to be to have cereal in a bottle?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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NEVER unless your child has acid reflexs and his/her doctor has said it is ok

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Q: How old does a baby need to be to have cereal in a bottle?
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Is giving too much cereal to a baby bad for them?

Your baby does need a balanced diet. Depending how old your baby is giving it cereal once or twice a day won't be bad. If you give your baby cereal all day long, this will not give your baby the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs. There are books on nutrition in the public libraries and there is lots of intormation on the internet.

Is it ok to put rice cereal in your 2 month old's bottle?

No, Babies are best fed with Mother's milk. If for some reason that is not possible or if the baby remains hungry, you need to go and see a qualified medical professional for advice on how to supplement the feeding.

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How old does a baby have to be till you can give it rice in a bottle?

6 months old

When is the best time to start a newborn on cereal along with their formula?

When the baby is six month old.

Is it safe for a 6 week old baby if you breast and bottle feed?

Yes, definitely. Some kids need more than the mother can produce at the time, and baby formula is safe.

What is the average cost of a month's worth of baby food for a 9-month-old baby?

About 200$ for snacks, baby cereal and oatmeal and the famous Gerber Puree's!:)

Is a seventeen month old baby to old to be on a bottle?

It depends on the baby. Some develop slower than others. The Dr can answer that question.

About how much does it cost to buy a month's worth of formula for a 6-month-old baby who is bottle-fed?

about how much does it cost for a months worth of formula for a six month old baby who is bottle fed

How do you get a 15 month old baby off a bottle without all the screaming and crying?

right when you pop the bottle out, you pop a pacifier in. that's what my mom does to my baby bro.

Can baby cottontails drink half and half?

If baby rabbits cannot have mother's milk they need either puppy or kitten formula fed with a nurser bottle. The cottontails also need feed pellets if over four weeks old.

What age do you start babies on cereal?

You can start your baby on cereal at about four months. Mix it with a bit of formula or breast milk. If he doesn't like it or it seems he is spitting it all out, wait a week and try again. Always consult your pediatrician first to confirm that your baby is ready.