

How old is the movie black beauty?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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12y ago

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Black Beauty is a 1994 film adaptation of Anna Sewell's novel (1877).

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Black Beauty was a stallion in the film.

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Beauty's mother is a thoroughbred like him. In the movie (the one with him rearing on the cover) they used a friesian horse to play the part

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Well, stallions aren't always black, so all I can tell you about them is that they are often movie characters, like in the movie Black Beauty.

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Black Beauty is in fact a boy

What is Black Beauty in Spanish?

Literal translation: Belleza Negra The movie "Black Beauty" was translated as "Un Caballo Llamado Furia" which translates back to "A Horse Named Fury"

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Showboat. And it's not black & white; it's a colour movie musical.

How old is black beauty?

The first ever book was published in 1877, so that makes it 135 years old.