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20 years old as of 2010. You would be then turning 21 before the year of 2010 is over.

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12y ago

I believe you would be 18yrs. old. But I could be wrong because I am not a great math greek. But I know it is correct because 2008-1990=18yrs. old but you would soon be 19yrs. old.

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Q: How old would you be if you were born march 3rd 1990?
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How old is the 3rd Hokage?

Sarutobi is 87 in Naruto and is 92 in Shippuden

What is the age group of adult?

there are four stages in humans 1st stage = baby 2nd stage = childhood 3rd stage = teenager's 4th stage = old age so the age group of adult is from 18 to 30 i.e teenage

Whats the longest near death experience?

Dear friend, I have just joined WikiAnswers; and I offer you a response to your question which may be helpful; though I would also comment that time is essentially irrelevent. There is the case of George Rodonaia, whose personal account may be seen on YouTube. He was a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences; and he died in a road traffic accident. His body was placed in the morgue and lay there for several days awiting autopsy. At the moment of the first cut, he showed signs of life and eventually made a full recovery. He has since 'walked on'. He spent the latter part of his life as a pastor in the U.S.A. I would recomment that you visit the site nderf and that of Kevin Williams for numerous nde accounts. Mvadohiyada oginali ! Peace to you ! Wahaliedoda...

What do you do when you burn your hand?

If the burn happened within the last minute or two, immerse the hand in cold (but not freezing) water. This is to reduce the temperature of the hand -- it might still be burning. Hold it in the cold water for a few minutes, then dry by patting with a clean cloth. If it's just reddened but the skin isn't hurt, that's a first degree burn -- there's really not a lot you need to do. Treat it delicately, if you want to use a burn cream, especially one with a topical painkiller, go ahead. If you have blisters, this is a second degree burn. If one or two fingertips are blistered, and there's nothing else wrong with you, you can probably handle this at home. If they entire hand is blistered, this is a job for the ER. Somewhere in between, you'll have to make your own decision. You can always call your doctor or ER when in doubt. If you decide to treat this at home, DON'T pop the blisters. Nature will take care of that. Wrap the hand loosely and gently in clean or sterile gauze. This is to protenct the hand. Don't move the hand in such a way that flexes the burned areas. When the blisters pop, get out the sterile gear. Gently dab the wound dry, and trim away any dead skin -- and ONLY dead skin. If you have silvadene (Silver sulfazine), this is a good time to apply it. If not, gently apply betadyne to the raw, new skin, and let it air dry, then sover with a sterile gauze in order to protect and keep it clean. Some folks like antimicrobial creams. They keep the wound moist. I personally don't -- they act as adhesives for micbrobes and dirt. However, this is a matter of opinion, and there are good arguments on both sides. Keep this wound dry. Check it and re-bandage every time it gets wet or every 1-2 days. If you've burned your hand so badly that most of the surface skin is gone, and the wound has a blackened look, or the well-known "fried chicken skin" appearance, that's a 3rd degree burn. Wrap the burn very gently in sterile (if you have em) gauze or clean cloth (if you don't have sterile), and head for the ER. If you're a distance from help, and have very clean or sterile water, you can wrap the 3rd degree burn in damp strips of bandage, then in guaze. Start heading for help ASAP. Treat the victim of third degree burns for shock. Do not apply butter or oil. Except as noted above, do not apply creams. all this stuff will have to be cleaned off at the ER, and that can HURT.

Hepatocerebral degeneration?

DefinitionHepatocerebral degeneration is a brain disorder that occurs in people with liver damage.Alternative NamesChronic acquired (Non-Wilsonian) hepatocerebral degenerationCauses, incidence, and risk factorsThis condition may occur in any case of acquired liver failure, including hepatitis.Liver damage can lead to the build-up of ammonia and other toxic materials in the body. This happens when the liver doesn't work properly to break down and release these chemicals. The toxic materials can destroy brain tissue.Specific areas of the brain, such as the basal ganglia, are more likely to be injured from liver failure. The basal ganglia help regulate movement.This condition is the "Non-Wilsonian" type. This means that the liver damage is not caused by copper deposits in the liver, which is a key feature of Wilson's disease.SymptomsSymptoms may include:Difficulty walkingImpaired intellectual functionJaundiceMuscle spasm (myoclonus)RigidityShaking of arms, head (tremor)TwitchingUncontrolled body movements (chorea)Unsteady walking (ataxia)Signs and testsSigns include:ComaFluid in the abdomen that causes swelling (ascites)Gastrointestinal bleeding from enlarged veins in the food pipe (esophageal varices)A nervous system (neurological) examination may show signs of:DementiaInvoluntary movementsWalking instabilityLaboratory tests may show a high ammonia level in the bloodstream and abnormal liver function.Other tests may include:MRI of the headEEG (may show general slowing of brain waves)CT scan of the headTreatmentTreatment helps reduce the toxic chemicals that build up from liver failure. It may include laxatives such as lactulose, which lower the level of ammonia in the blood.A treatment called branched-chain amino acid therapy has been reported in a few patients to improve symptoms and reverse the brain damage from this condition.There is no specific treatment for the neurologic syndrome, because it is caused by irreversible liver damage. A liver transplant may cure the liver disease. However, this operation may not reverse the symptoms of brain damage.Expectations (prognosis)This is a long-term (chronic) condition that may lead to irreversible nervous system (neurological) symptoms.The patient may continue to get worse and may die without a liver transplant. If a transplant is done early in the course of the disease, the neurological syndrome may be reversible.ComplicationsComplications include:Hepatic comaSevere brain damageCalling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you have any symptoms of liver disease.PreventionIt is not possible to prevent all forms of liver disease. However, alcoholic and viral hepatitis may be prevented.To reduce your risk of getting alcoholic or viral hepatitis:Avoid risky behaviors, such as IV drug use or unprotected sexDon't drink, or drink only in moderationReferencesWijdicks EF, Wiesner RH. Acquired (non-Wilsonian) hepatocerebral degeneration: complex management decisions. Liver Transpl. 2003 Sep;9(9):993-4.Burkhard PR, Delavelle J, Du Pasquier R, Spahr L. Chronic parkinsonism associated with cirrhosis: a distinct subset of acquired hepatocerebral degeneration. Arch Neurol. 2003 Apr;60(4):521-8.Ferrante MA. Endogenous Metabolic Disorders. In: Goetz CG. Goetz: Textbook of Clinical Neurology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 38.