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They don't have poison, but there is a chance that they carry rabies. So if you encounter squirrels, avoid them or contact squirrel removal like the critter guy.

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11y ago

No they do not have any poison...It just stings a little!

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15y ago

shoot them shoot them

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Q: When squirrel bite do they have poison?
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If they are poison then yes they will bite.

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The bite force of the Eastern Grey squirrel can exceed 7000 pounds.

Do squirrel have poison?

There is nothing known to be poisonous to squirrels. It is illegal to poison a squirrel so therefore, they are no known poisons for squirrels.

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Poison is bad so go home.

Is there such thing as a squirrel poison?

no way jose peace

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if the pioneers could not get the poison out or aR.S bite, that person usually died because the poison had traveled around the body of the victim

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They can if they bite the dog.

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Rats can bite us, but they do not poison us. They are not venomous creatures.

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No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.

Is there a cure for poison?

It depends. If it is poison by a snake or a bite you or someone else can suck the poison out of that area through where the animal bit.

How poison protect themselves?

When the predator goes to bite the animal it tastes the poison and leaves it alone.