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A nit takes 7-10 days to hatch after being laid and another 7-10 to mature to a mating age. If nits are left in the hair and remain viable it can take a very long time to end an infestation. When treated properly, it is possible to end an infestation very quickly, even within 1day, but that requires proper treatment. The FDA-cleared LouseBuster medical device kills over 99% of nits in a 30-35 minute treatment. The use of this treatment combined with a thorough comb out with a high quality stainless steel nit comb, is very effective and very quick.

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14y ago

Well a Female Louse lays 3 - 10 Eggs a day and if you have had lots of head to head contact with someone else I would say it is possible for Lice to spread pretty quick although it depends

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13y ago

Headlice are spread by prolonged head to head contact with someone who is already infected with them, they can't jump or fly they can just crawl from one persons head to the other.

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Q: How long between exposure to head lice and infestation?
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What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

What conditions have similar symptoms to those of lice infestation?

The doctor will need to distinguish between head lice and dandruff; between body lice and scabies (a disease caused by skin mites); and between pubic lice and eczema.

How is a lice infestation treated in alternative medicine?

Most treatments apply to all types of lice infestation and, particularly with head lice, treatments are an area of great controversy.

Is A common parasitic infestation is a person with head lice Written correctly?

No. I would say "Head lice is a common parasitic infection."

What is the collective noun for head lice?

The collective nouns are:a flock of licea colony of licean infestation of lice

What is infestation of body lice?

Pediculosis corporsis- is an infestation with body lice.

What is the predicate-subject mismatch A common parasitic infestation is a person with head lice?

a peraon with

Can you get pubic lice if you're a virgin?

Head lice can "get into" just about anywhere on your body, but they are not likely to stay anywhere other than your head. Hence the name head lice.

What causes head lice?

Head lice, or pediculosis capitis, is caused by an infestation of head lice, peduculis humanus capitis. It is spread by direct head to head contact with an infected person. Transmission by bedding, clothing, or headgear is possible, though less common.

What is the medical term meaning lice infestation?

PediculosispediculosisThe CDC (Center for Disease Control) states that Pediculosis Capitis-aka head lice- does not cause any known disease or medical condition. The body lice are the only infestations that can carry disease.

How long should it take to comb through hair with head lice infestation?

too long

What is infection and infestation in hairdressing?

Infestation is where a client either gets head lice or itch mites and when a client gets either of these a hairdresser would not be able to do there hair.