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According to me the pool should be cleaned thoroughly so that it is hygienically safe for the the people using the pool.The dead bird should be removed immediately & disopsed.

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Q: How should pool water be treated after finding a dead bird in water?
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Should I have a bird bath if I have a bird feeder?

Yes so the birds have food and water. (Have both a water and food source)

When should you give an injured bird water?

A bed

Can bird flu kill you?

It can kill if not treated.

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The formula has all the nutrients and liquid necessary for the baby bird.

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It depends on which bird is leaving the feathers for you! Try to figure that out and see what traits the bird has that it is trying to give you hints about. Of course, you might just be finding them because there is a molting bird nearby.

Can a little wild bird's injured or infected eye be treated?

If you ever find an injured bird, the first thing to do is put it in a box with an indirect source of warmth. Then you should call your local vet or wildlife rehabilitator. They may be able to treat the bird's eye, but you should never try to treat it on your own unless you are certified to do so.

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You don't, if you give them water they can get a serious condition where water gets inside their lungs. If their food is slightly moist, they should get enough water from that.

Is a kingfisher a fresh water bird?

Yes,it is really a water bird.

How often should you clean a bird bath?

A bird bath should be cleaned based on the amount of usage. If your bird bath is frequently used, then you should clean it every week or so. If it isn't, then it should be cleaned at least monthly.

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that there was a white bird on your porch...?

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A bird's body has 67% water.

How can I keep the water from freezing in my bird bath over the winter months?

First of all, birds should only drink the water in bird baths, not get in it freezing winter weather. To keep it above freezing, there are heated bird baths. For more information check out