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1- I am a good listener 2- I am a good leader 3- I love challenge 4- I am an eager person 5- Organized 6- Loyal 7- Committed 8- Workaholic 9- Helpful and love to help others

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Q: How should you answer 'How will you express yourself in few words' in a job interview?
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Descriptive words about yourself in an interview?

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How do you describe yourself in 100 words in a job interview?

AnswerThe answer should be centered around the job in which you are interviewing for. The interviewer and looking for how you can be of value to the company. Centered your answers around what you have to offer and why you would be a good fit for the job. Hope this helps.

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What should you do if you stumble on words in a speech?

Appologise, correct yourself and carry on.

What is the origin of fend for yourself?

Verbals are words that express action in a general way, without limiting the action to any time, or asserting it of any subject.

When you should use a thesaurus instead of a dictionary?

If you are looking for words that define more clearly what it is that you are trying to express.