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Eating after treatment of a dry socket when a tooth was pulled, is usually a matter of comfort. Try not to eat anything like nuts, that will lodge in the socket. You may want to stick to liquids or puddings for a day, to allow the dry socket time to heal, and so you won't be biting on a painful surface.

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Q: How soon can you eat after having a dry socket treatment?
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Can you use orajel when having dry socket?

no it delays healing

What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?

Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

What will Smoking after having tooth pulled will do?

Smoking after an extraction can lead to dry socket. Dry socket is a very painful condition to have. It's best to wait 48-72 hours after having a tooth pulled to resume smoking, spitting, or drinking via a straw.

What happens to an untreated dry socket?

An untreated dry socket can lead to infection.

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Can dry socket occur more than a week after having a tooth pulled?

Usually a dry socket will occur when you have had a tooth pulled (wisdom teeth being pulled are notorious for this). A dry socket is when the dentist pulls the tooth and the tissue covering the bone below the gum comes away and the bone is exposed to air. It's extremely painful. If you have a dry socket you would know it. If you are having pain go back to your dentist and if you can't get an appointment right away then go to the ER if you are in a lot of pain. Advil is an excellent over-the-counter pain killer and we use it here in Canada. Even beats Tylenol 3.

How often should clove oil be put on the dry socket?

Clove essential oil is a great solution for dry socket. It can help relieve the pain and discomfort. Clove oil is used in toothpastes and by dentists and is 100% natural. You can apply it by putting clove oil on a q-tip or cotton ball. Then apply the cotton to the dry socket, putting it in place for several moments. Don't apply the clove oil directly to the dry socket it could burn with over exposure. Cotton or q-tip will help you to not overdue it.

Can i do something at home for my dry socket until i go see a dentist?

The following link may be of interest to you: Try to get into your dentist as soon as possible.

Can you get dry socket 7 days after a tooth extraction?

It is a bit unlikely to get dry socket 10 days after an extraction, but not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

Can you go to the emergency room for dry socket?

You can but its not advised because technically it's the "emergency room" and though a dry socket is painful it is. Not a life or death matter. The best thing to do is take some Tylenol and get ahold of your dentist as soon as possible to see him. If you have an urgent care around you can try to go there but the best thing is your dentist!

Is green or brown pus in the tooth socket normal after an extraction?

Most likely you have a "Dry Socket". which can occur when the the blood clot is disturbed or removed from the extraction site, or due to smoking after after having a tooth extracted. Call your dentist and describe your symptoms, most likely they will want you to be seen & treated. If indeed it is dry socket they will clean out the socket & place a medicated dressing inside the socket, which you should feel much better afterwards.Look up dry socket online a check to see if your symptoms match. see below"A dry socket, more formally referred to as alveolar osteitis by dentist, is a fairly common complication associated with tooth extractions. The formation of a dry socket involves a scenario where the blood clot which forms in the tooth's socket's after the extraction isn't properly retained (either it disintegrates by way of fibrinolysis or becomes dislodged). Since this blood clot is an important factor in protecting the boney socket and initiating the healing process, the healing of the extraction site is interrupted and becomes delayed."

Does packing a dry socket hurt?