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The Proclamation was not the human rights document it sounded like. Lincoln carried no authority in the South anyway, and the Proclamation allowed slavery to continue in the four slave-states that had remained loyal.

The Proclamation was an urgent wartime measure aimed at keeping Britain and France from helping the Confederates. By turning the war into an official crusade against slavery, it made it impossible for free nations abroad to support the South without looking pro-slavery themselves.

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Q: How the considerations that led lincoln to issue the emancipation proclamation and how slaves in both border states as well as the deep south?
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Who was at emancipation proclamation?

Nobody was "at" Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation, was a set of 2 executive orders, written and issued by President Lincoln. President Lincoln thought emancipation was justified as a military necessity to preserve the Union. "If the Proclamation of Emancipation was essentially a war measure, it had the desired effect of depriving the Confederacy of much of its valuable laboring force.

How did Abraham Lincoln make a difference?

He wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which ended all slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation only ended slavery in the states that were part of the Confederacy, not in the border states that fought with the northern states in the civil war.

What where 2 limitations of the emancipation proclamation?

There were more than two limitations concerning President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.One clear cut limit was the fact that slavery in the Border states were not effected by the Proclamation. Also, the Proclamation could not be enforced in the Confederate states.

What is the name of the document that gave slaves freedom?

The document that President Abraham Lincoln used to free the slaves was called the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed slaves in the rebelling Southern states only, not border states. They were freed later. As Lincoln had no authority to free slaves, this was a war measure. The results were that slaves in areas captured by Union forces were freed.

How did the border states view the emancipation proclamation?

The border states were not against slavery, so when the emancipation proclamation comes in, they might have decided to join the confederate states

Who specifically would be 'thenceforward forever free?

Assuming this is about the Emancipation Proclamation: Technically, no one. When Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation, it "freed" the slaves of the Confederacy, composed of rebellious states that had seceded from the Union. However, because they were no longer part of the Union and under Lincoln's leadership, the Proclamation technically had no effect on them at all. He also excluded the border slave states that were still part of the Union from the Proclamation because, if they were to secede in retaliation, the Union would be destroyed. Lincoln knew all of this, and so he made the Emancipation Proclamation as more of a symbolic move than an actual law.

Why did President Lincoln's Postmaster General Blair oppose the preliminary emancipation proclamation?

Union Postmaster General Montgomery Blair opposed Lincoln's preliminary emancipation proclamation because he believed it might cause some border states to secede. He also believed that the announcement would help the Democrats in the November 1862 elections.

Why didnt the emancipation proclamation stop slavery?

Well Lincoln said all slaves in the SOUTH were free and northern border states still had slaves. and its not like it worked. Its like Mexico saying every Latino prisoner is free to go in the US the us wont listen Lincoln only used it for rebellion causes.

Why were th abolitionist disappointed with Lincoln's actions before he issued the emancipation proclamation?

They wanted it to be an Abolitionist war, which it wasn't. Even after he issued the Proclamation, they were disappointed, because he still allowed slavery to continue in the Border states.

Where did the emancipation proclamation apply to slaves?

The Emancipation Proclamation was applied everywhere Union Army had seized Confederate territory and border states.

Why did the emancipation proclamation not apply to slave in union state?

Because Lincoln didn't want to upset powerful slave-owners in the border states and drive them into the arms of the Confederacy.

What was the result of the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Confederacy as a strategic war move; it did not free slaves in key border states, such as Maryland and Virginia, where some slaves worked for the Union army. freed most slaves inthe confederacy NOVANET