

How this universe came into existence?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Once Upon a Tiime There Was

No Universe!!

In ancient times, man's knowledge of space was

quite limited. The equipment needed to explore the sky

was not as advanced as it is today. Therefore, people

sometimes had strange ideas about how the universe

originated. The idea that the universe had always

existed was the funniest. That is to say, before man

had telescopes and instruments to examine the heavens

with, some ignorant people suggested that the

universe did not have a beginning but had existed for

ever and would continue to exist for ever.

However, that was illogical! Your house and

school building were built on particular dates. Even the

lines you are reading were written at a certain time.

Similarly, you, your mother and father have birthdays.

That means everything, whether living or non-living,

comes into existence at a certain time. Saying, "The

universe has no date of origin, because it has always

existed" is ridiculous. No one believes that now.

Let us give you an example: on your morning

journey to school, imagine that you took a different

route and found a statue. What would you think? You

would certainly think, "A sculptor made this statue

and placed it here," wouldn't you? Well, what would

you say if one of your friends said, "No, this statue has

always been here; nobody carved it"? You would probably

tell him, "Don't be ridiculous! Every work of art

has a maker!" Wouldn't you?

Those who claim that the universe has always

existed have a more ridiculous way of thinking than

your friend who argues that the statue has always

been there. A statue is only a piece of sculpted rock,

but the universe consists of many heavenly bodies and

systems much more delicate and intricate than a piece

of rock.

Thanks to astronomical discoveries, the mistaken

nature of this assertion that the universe has always

existed became obvious. These studies revealed

that, like everything else, the universe also had

a beginning.

The first man who proved that the universe had

a beginning was the astronomer Edwin Hubble. (Let

us remind you that an astronomer is a person who

studies space, the stars and galaxies.) Hubble worked

with a giant telescope. One day in 1929, he realised

that the stars were moving.

These are not ordinary random movements. Stars

are continually moving away from us. Furthermore,

they are also moving away from each another. A universe

in which everything moves away from everything

else means a universe that is constantly growing larger.

Not until a hundred years ago did people understand

this. Today, all scientists agree that stars are

moving away from each other as well as away from


This movement of the stars is a very important

piece of information about the creation of the universe.

The fact that the stars are steadily moving away from

each other indicates that they were at one time closer

together. Scientists computed that 15 billion years ago

all the matter in the universe was gathered together in

a single point as small as the tip of a needle. Our universe

came into being when that tiny point exploded.

Now let us note down one by one what we have

seen so far:

- Stars move continually;

- Stars are moving away from us;

- If time could be turned back, we would see stars

coming closer together.

This would continue until the entire universe was

gathered together at one point.

If we went a little further, this point would also

disappear. This means that the universe came into

existence from nothing; that is, God created it in an


You might get a better idea of what "nothing"

means by answering these three simple questions:

1. How old were you one year ago?

You might answer "A year younger."

2. If you counted your age back year by year,

what age would be the last one you would get to?

Your answer would be "one". A year after your

birth, you were one year old. At birth, however, you

were not old enough to have an age. This could be

expressed as "zero age".

3. Think about the year before your first birthday!

How old were you then? Where were you?

You should have answered that by saying, "I

wasn't around then."

You didn't exist at all before your mother became


If we also turned time back for your body, you

would see that your body would also disappear at the

end of this operation. For every year we went back, your

body would become smaller and smaller, until finally

you would become a baby in your mother's womb. If

this operation were carried still further, you would

reach the time when your mother was not yet pregnant.

There was no universe before God created it.

When we rewind time, the universe also becomes

younger. It gets smaller until it becomes an insignificant

point and finally disappears. All these indicate

that the universe has been "created".

Meanwhile, let's remind ourselves that we use the

word "creation" when we want to explain that something

is brought into being from nothing. Only God

can cause something to exist from nothing. In other

words, only God can "create" something. People can

also make things that did not exist before. For

instance, they can paint pictures. They can build

ships. However, the truth is that people can cause

something to exist using the materials available in this

world and by imitating things already existing in this

world. Therefore, we cannot call this "creation".

Creation is bringing something into being from nothing

without prior examples. God has created everything

in the universe, including Earth, from nothing.

Man imitates what God has already created,

even if painting a picture. If we asked you to draw a

picture of a landscape on a sheet of paper, what

would you draw? Most possibly you would paint the

Sun, a mountain, a few green trees, a rainbow and the

sea. However, have you ever thought that it would be

impossible for you to draw a tree if you had never seen

one? Think of a person who is blind from birth. He can

only know that the Sun is round and bright, if somebody

describes it to him. He can only have an idea

about something if he sees it.

Now, it is time to learn how God created the

universe. You should be curious to hear how such a

great event took place.


You know that billions of years ago the universe was

only a tiny speck. It is now time to learn how all of a sudden this tiny speck started expanding.

You probably watch cartoon films on TV.

Generally, an enemy chases the hero in these films and

the hero does anything he can to escape. One of the

things he frequently does is to use dynamite. For

example, Bugs Bunny's enemies place dynamite in his

home, or Road Runner's enemies lay dynamite in his

path. In each case, these heroes manage to escape the

dynamite with great skill.

Now, try and visualise one of these explosions.

For instance, the hunter chasing Bugs Bunny puts

explosives in his underground home. What happens

when they explode? The soil is scattered around and

the pieces move away from one another, right? Before

the explosion, the pieces of soil remain together.

However, after the explosion, the tiny pieces of soil

scatter around and move away from one another.

Billions of years ago, the universe came into

being after an explosion. Many pieces came into existence

with this explosion. These pieces moved away

and scattered around, just like the bits of soil scattering

around. Then they started to form the universe and the planets etc.

This explosion, which was the beginning of the

creation of the universe by God, has come to be

called the Big Bang. The moment this great explosion

took place, the universe started constantly growing

and expanding, and is still expanding today.

Before continuing with the next section, let's

recap a few points we made earlier:

1. A long time ago, there was no universe;

2. The universe came into being with the explosion

of one tiny speck;

3. After the explosion, incredible numbers of particles

came into existence which came to make up our

universe, and these particles started moving away

from one another;

4. The universe expands as the objects in it move

away from each other.

These are all evidence of God's infinite might.

Even if all the people in the world came together, they

could never make even a bad imitation of the universe.

Even if all the materials available on earth were gathered

together, man would still fail to imitate an explosion

as big as the Big Bang. All power belongs to

God, the One Who creates everything. Reading the

next passage, you will better understand the infinite

nature of god's power and wisdom.


As you can also imagine, no explosion

brings about an orderly structure. On the contrary,

an explosion destroys existing order. It damages

everything around it. A high-explosive bomb can

reduce huge buildings to nothing. The most powerful

bomb in the world is the atom bomb. When dropped,

this bomb devastates everything in its target, in some

cases entire cities.

The Big Bang created a more powerful explosion

than billions of atom bombs. The big bang, however,

mysteriously produced the opposite effect and established

a perfectly orderly world. The world we know,

carefully designed to suit our needs, came into existence

after this explosion.

How do you think the Big Bang produced such

perfect order?

God created the universe from nothing by means of that big explosion. Obviously, our Lord also makes the perfect order in the universe.

Any answer other than the one above is wrong.

For instance, saying that this order came into existence

by chance after the explosion is irrational. Let's

make an analogy to better explain why:

What would happen to the sand if a bomb were

dropped on the beach? The sand particles would be

scattered randomly this way and that, wouldn't they?

What would you think if someone said that a castle

came into existence because of an explosion on the

beach? You would probably think him insane or think

that he was telling a lie. Similarly, a person who claims

that the order in the universe came into being by itself

is mad. There are countless details, examples of balance

and perfect order in this giant universe, which are

incomparably more complex than a sandcastle.

In conclusion, the perfect order in the universe

proves that the universe did not come into being by itself.

Every order and balance existing in the universe is a sign of

God's infinite wisdom.

(this answer is given in the way even the child can understand)

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