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um, those are the same thing, just two different names...

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Q: How to convert in ear earphones to canal earphones?
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Related questions

What are the pros of earphones inside the ear?

The advantages of earphones that fit inside the ear are the sound quality. These types of earphones are also smaller and are therefore easier to carry and store.

What does it mean when your earphones?

The meaning of earphones is mini speakers. Earphones are designed so that they fit directly on the ear. Earbuds are mini speakers that fit just inside the ear. They are used most often with portable musical devices.

How much is sound amplified when you have earphones in your ear?

That depends on the amplifier driving the earphones. Keep volume low.

What is an ear-head?

A doltish or dumb person ; earphones

What does the ear canal do for an ear?

The ear needs the ear canal to send everything that it hears to the brain.

What collects sounds and funnels it into the ear canal?

the correct answer is : ear canal or you could just write canal if you are doing a sheet/ homework sheet called: 8LD(4) Ear diagram- then write ear canal, if not then choose between; ear canal and canal

What main region of the human ear contains the ear canal?

External ear contains ear canal.

Where is the speaker on iPod Touch earphones?

On the big you put in your ear!

The pinna and the ear canal are part of the?

the ear

What does the auditory canal do for the ear?

Basically, the auditory canal links the outer ear to the ear drum. It carries the vibrations from outer ear to the inner ear.

Is the ear canal the same as the eardrum?

the ear canal is literally the hole in the side of your head, leading to the eardrum. the eardrum is the membrane ( tympanic membrane) at he end of the ear canal.

What is a frogs ear canal?

Frogs don't have what is usually considered an ear canal. You can see their ear-drum flat on their head.