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I have been told that Tomato Juice will remove the odor. I have heard that if you get hydrogen paroxide and then combine it with baking soda it completely removes the smell. To clean your self with it just apply it on the sprayed area, wait 15 minutes and then rinse with normal tap water. This can also be used on pets just DONT get it in your or the pets eyes. Also the pets fur may become bleached.

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I am no expert. I live in a mobile home. I have those high frequency battery operated noise makers to drive animals away, specifically racoons. Well, once in awhile a skunk passes by one and lets go. My bedroom stinks so, it wakes me. I take a can of CLOROX Disinfecting Spray and in no time the smell is gone and I can sleep again.

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12y ago

Oh, this is a tough one! I recommend creating a "soap" made from peroxide and baking soda. It may take a couple of washes. Be sure to let your carpet dry completely in between washes. Use a brush and if you have something to suck water out of your car (such as a Shop Vac) then I would use that to help remove the skunky water. If not, you may want to mix up the "soap" and take it to a car wash with one of the heavy duty vaccuum cleaners.

Improved answer:

Yesterday I had a huge skunk spray the undercarriage of my Mercedes. It was horrendous and made my eyes tear up from the smell. I read all the forums and was saddened by replies such as those above. No local garage could help me and car washes were useless. Low and behold, the answer and 100% solution was simply this: Four $12 bottles of natures miracle skunk edition from petsmart and a misting sprayer. I jacked the car up so I could get underneath and proceeded to power spray/mist every inch of the underside of the car and the wheel wells. It absolutely worked perfectly. I wold never have believed it, and was frantically searching for a detailed with a lift who could try chemical and what not.

I read all kinds of posts about mixing peroxide and baking soda and dish soap and applying that to the car -- but this will oxidize the metal of your car! Do not do it. Car washes with undercarriage cleaning will not do anything either. Other than a professional detailer with a lift and chemicals I do not know of, one gallon of natures miracle skunk and a powerful sprayer that will soak every nook and cranny of your vehicle is the only thing I believe will work and not damage the vehicle in any way. I do advise you wipe any excess off of paint because the citrus is not good with finishes.

I owe all of this solution to Greg b of Lancaster pa. It was he who convinced me to give it a try and who hand built a power sprayer, thank you Greg. It will work... I promise.

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Q: How do you remove skunk odor from under a car?
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How do you get rid of skunk odor from a car?

equal parts of peroxide and baking soda, spray it on area. This worked great for my dog!

What is the Skunk smell from car?

If you've thoroughly washed the car (especially underneath) and the odor remains as crazy as it may sound the next thing to check is the car's battery. Automotive batteries that have a "mechanical" or physical failure (i.e. leaking or are shorted internally and often times begin to smoke) emit a sulphur odor not unlike the smell of a skunk or of a natural gas leak. If the odor is in the engine compartment chances are that's where the problem is.

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There is a product called Zero Odor that when sprayed in the car will remove the urine smell.

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apples rot man. gross.

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febreeze febreeze

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depends on what kind. for lighter odor use febreeze or some kind of air freshener. for extreme odor i suggest replacing the all the interior or a new ac conditioner if the car really matters that much

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Granulated charcoal available at home stores.

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There are lots of ways to remove the smell of car urine from a carpet. One of the best ways to do it is by using an odor remover like, Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remove, which can be purchased from pet stores and on websites like Amazon.

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Yes, it didn't remove the other odors and created it's own odor.

Who is the skunks enemy?

There are no predators of skunks. Only raccoons, which explains why you frequently see raccoons living next to your house. Regarding these issues, we provide The Critter Guy's services in Canada, Ontario.

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Try using baking soda.. It works for getting rid of vomit from car seats

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Armor-All the dash, even add a bit to your carpet shampoo when you clean it.