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get as much tin foil as you can, sell it as scrap, and buy a small boat of your choosing :)

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Q: How to make a small boat out of tin foil easy steps?
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Related questions

What is the best way to make a boat hull made of foil?

I assume the boat is a toy, and not a full size sailing boat? Make a boat's hull out of a block of solid wood. Cover the outside of the hull with foil, and carefully press smooth with a soft pad of cloth (to avoid tearing the foil). I would fold a large sheet of foil to form several layers for strength. Carefully remove the shaped foil from the wooden hull - and you will have a boat make of foil.

How many pennies does it take to sink a foil boat?

The answer depends on:How well the foil boat is made, andWhich country's currency.

How does aluminum foil boat float?

An aluminum foil boat floats because it is more dense than water, therefore the surface tension of the water is able to hold the boat up.

Does a rectangle foil boat hold more weight that a circle or triangle boat and why?

a circle boat, because circles have a larger area

Where was the term tinnie first used?

The term tinnie was first used in New Zealand to refer to a small tin-foil wrapped package of cannabis. It can also refer to a can or beer or a small aluminum boat.

How many tin foil boat designs are there in the world?

a Facking lot

How much weight can a foil boat hold?

It depends on its size and shape.

Why do boat made from aluminum foil float in xenon gas?

it floats because the xenon gas particles are heavier that the aluminum foil's.

How many pennies can a tin foil boat carry?

Depends on how big you make it.

What makes the bigger sail on the boat go faster?

The larger sail area causes a larger foil to pull the boat faster.

Does the shape of a boat affect the weight it can carry?

Yes I think the shape of a boat will affect a foil boat because when you change the shape of a boat like when you make a triangle or a square it will affect the weight it can carry

What keeps a frozen bottle of water colder in the sun plastic wrap or aluminum foil?

aluminium foil. that's easy