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At first Hitler's plan for the Final Solution involved deporting the Jews of Europe to a place like Madagascar. However, this was discarded and later achieving the Final Solution involved mass killings of Jews through shooting and gassing of Jews.

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14y ago

First of all by using census information that was available to him regarding religion. then by simply rounding up the people he wanted rounding up. then setting in train an organisation that killed these people and while they were at it use them as slave labour to help pay for the expense of organising their death. Many German companies profited as a result of this system and are still profiting from it, as they never paid compensation to either the victims or their relatives. Hitlers final solution involved any one that he felt stood in his way to final dominance, not only the Jews.

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12y ago

Before World War 2 policies of persecution and segregation targeting German Jews focused on the goal of expulsion. It remains uncertain as to when the Nazi leadership decided to implement the "Final Solution". After the night with the broken glass, they started with establishing Ghettos. The Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. Leaders of the SS and police and leaders of the German armed forces had concluded pre-invasion agreements thus establishing mobile killing units and granting authority to the SS. In implementation of the "Final Solution," German authorities and their collaborators killed up to six million Jews -- two-thirds of the Jews living in Europe in 1939 -- by poison gas, shooting, and other means.

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He basically killed them all by either gassing them, shooting them, or burning them.

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14y ago

to die and to kill human being

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Q: What was the Nazi plan known as The Final Solution and how was it implemented?
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What was the nazi plan to eliminate the Jews?

"The Final Solution." Or "Final Solution." Often referred to in Nazi documents as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note that Hitler never actually came up with a specific plan - his subordinates (led by Himler and Heydrich) gathered together a committee to devise the actual plan, at the direction of Hitler.

What Nazi action marked the final stage on the final solution?

To get rid of Jews

What Nazi action marked the final stage of the final-solution?

the death marches.

What nazi action marked the final stage of the 'final solution'.?

the death marches.

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they had to try all of the other 'Solutions', hence the Final in the 'Final Solution'.

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The Nazi's named it the Final Solution.

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he was not a major

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What was the Nazi term for to destroy all Jews?

The final solution.

Which was an outcome of the nazi governments final solution?

the Holocaust.

What was the nazi plan to elimainate all European Jews?

The "Final Solution"

What was the phrase used by the Nazi's to describe the extermination of the Jews?

The final solution