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The entrance of Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] in Act 1 Scene 4 of the Shakespearean play was dramatically ironic. In Scene 3, he had received the witches' predictions of noble and royal career moves in his future. He also had received the news of his receipt of the powerful title and profitable properties of the disgraced Thane of Cawdor. So in Scene 4 Macbeth brought royal expectations to a meeting of King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] and the leading noblemen of Scotland. Ironically, those expectations quickly were dashed. Shortly after his arrival, he found out that Malcolm[d. November 13, 1093] was being given the title of Prince of Cumberland by King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] of Scotland. By law, the principality of Cumberland stood between Macbeth's royal ambitions, which recently had been encouraged by the witches' predictions, and the legal realities of succession to the throne of Scotland.

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Q: How was Macbeth's entrance dramatically ironic in Act 1 Scene 4?
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